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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 529

No 2 Thomas Bladen Esqr being sworn on the Holy Evangelist,
deposeth, That when he the said Thomas Bladen offer'd the Rev.
Thomas Chase the Induction of St Paul's parish, in Baltimore
County, he the said Thomas Bladen at the same time proposed to him
to give his Bond for the payment of 26000 pounds of Tobacco to
Mrs Bourdillion, Widow of the last Incumbent, payable in Two
years: which he the said Chase readily consented to; which Bond
he accordingly executed, knowing it to be for the said Sum of
Twenty six Thousand weight of Tobacco. And this Deponent
further says upon his Oath, That there never pass'd one Sillable
between him and the said Chase, relating to a Bond of Resignation,
or for any other purpose, but as above mentioned.
Sworn to, the 26th of May 1747 Before ———— Brice.
No 3 Edmund Jenings, being sworn on the Holy Evangelists of
Almighty God, Deposeth, and saith, That Thomas Bladen Esqr late
Governor of this Province, having acquainted this Deponent with
his Intentions of giving an Induction to the Rev. Mr Thomas Chase,
into a parish then vacant in Baltimore County, and that he was
desirous of making some provision for the widow or ffamily of
Mr Bourdillion, the late Incumbent, advised with this Deponent,
whether it would be legal to take a Bond from Mr Chase, for
securing Twenty six Thousand, or some such quantity of Tobacco,
to Mrs Bourdillion, widow of the said late Incumbent? on which
this Deponent gave his opinion, that such Bond would be legal, and
justifiable in Law. And this Deponent further saith, that either then,
or some short time after, the said Mr Bladen desired this Deponent
to draw a Bond for the payment of Twenty six Thousand pounds
of Tobacco to Mrs Bourdillion, by the said Chase; and which Bond
this Deponent accordingly wrote and Carried it, in Company with
the said Chase, from this Deponent's own House, to the then Gover-
nor's; where the said Chase Executed the same in the presence of
this Deponent, and John Raitt, and this Deponent further saith,
That the said Chase, did come to this Deponent at his House, about
the said Bond, and acquainted this Deponent, That he was to give a
Bond for the payment of the aforesaid Quantity of Tobacco to
Mrs Bourdillion; but this Deponent absolutely denies, that he
this Deponent, ever thought, or said, or told the said Chase, that a
Bond of Resignation was expected from him, or to any such pur-
pose; for, that on the Contrary, this Deponent very well remembers,
he asked Mr Bladen, at the time he desired him to Draw the said
Bond for the said Tobacco, whether Mr Chase was to give also a
Bond of Resignation? and Mr Bladen answered, he should not de-
sire a Bond of Resignation from the said Chase. This Deponent
cannot remember all the particular Conversation passed between the
said Chase and this Deponent; but this Deponent possitively declares,
the said Chase very well knew, and was thoroughly apprised of the

L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
p. 609

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)
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