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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 521   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House, 521

By the Committee of Grievances and Courts of Justice June 2d

Whereas Robert Haselop of Charles County, hath Complained
to your Committee, that some time in April last, about the 8th as
well as he can Remember, Mr John Hanson, Deputy Sheriff of
Charles County aforesaid, came to his House, and with him four
neighbouring persons; That the said Hanson asked the said Haselop
if he was now in the Mind to pay him his frees; viz. 8/4d Sterling
and 168l of Tobacco; to which the said Haselop answered in the
negative, Then the said Sheriff said, he would distrain for the Land
Rents; upon which the wife of the said Haselop went into the
House, and brought out a purse, and turned some Money out of
the same into the Hand of the said Haselop, viz. £3. 5s Sterling; that
is to say, Two Guineas and some Sterling mill'd shillings and six-
pences; which he the said Haselop tendered to him the aforesaid
Hanson, and told him withal, that if any fee was Due to him in the
opinion of Mr Eilbeck, or any other person of understanding, he
would pay him: That he the said Hanson absolutely refused the
Money aforesaid; and a servant of the said Haselop being at Plow
in a ffeild just by, he the said sheriff called to the said Servant to
stand still, and said he would distrain a Horse, with which he was
then plowing; which he accordingly did, and called to the apprais-
ers to appraise the said Horse, which he told the said Haselop they
did to £6 Sterling, and that he was to be sold on Monday, being
the fifth Day after, but left the Horse upon the plantation: That
the Third Day, the said Haselop Rode the Horse aforesaid to Port
Tobacco-Town, and there met Mr Samuel Hanson the Sheriff afore-
said, who called upon him, and asked him if that was the Horse his
Brother had appraised at his House the other Day to which he
answered, it might, but if he owed anything, it was money, and
not a Horse, and he was ready to pay the money; That he said

L. H. J.
Liber No. 46

Hanson took the said Horse, for which he the said Haselop could
have had Twelve pistoles, and as yet hath not returned him any part
of what the Horse aforesaid was sold for, in Satisfaction or Recom-
pence thereof
Your Committee humbly Represent, That by the Testimony of
Mr William Eilbert, of Charles County, it appears that in March
Court 1746, he offered Mr Henry Brook Receiver for his Lordship
in the said County 54/ Sterling, or whatever was Due for Land
Rents, from Robert Haselop, of said County; his answer was that
he had put a List into the Sheriffs Hands, and that Robert Haselop's
name was inserted therein, and that the money must be paid to the
Sheriff, after which he the said Eilbert returned the money afore-
said to Haselop. It likewise appears by the Testimony of John
Blanchett, to your Committee, that some short time after Charles
County March Court last, he went along with Robert Haselop to

p. 695

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 521   View pdf image (33K)
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