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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)
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522 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.


Liber No. 46

Mr Samuel Hanson's Sheriff of Charles County, and upon enquiry
if the Sheriff was at home, was told he was; and upon that Mr
Hanson opened a parlour Door, where he and Mr William Middle-
ton were, and desired they would walk in, which they accordingly
did: That the said Haselop laid Two Guineas and some Mill'd
sterling shillings on the Table, and told the said Mr Hanson, that
there was the money for his the said Haselop's Land Rents; upon
which the said Sheriff stretched his Hand towards the money, as
it were to take it, asked the said Haselop if his free was there also ;
to which the said Haselop answered, No; then the said Hanson
said, he would not Receive it without his ffee; but did not hear him
say what that was. Your Committee humbly conceive that the Ten-
der made by the said Eilbeck to Mr Brook the Receiver, and by the
said Haselop to the High Sheriff and his Deputy, before Distress
made, were very sufficient and good; and that he the said Brook and
the said Sheriff, or either, ought of Right to have Received the
money aforesaid, and discharged him the said Haselop from the
Rent aforesaid, without any further or other Charge.
Your Committee Resolve, That the Distraining and Taking the
said Horse, being a Beast of the plow, as other Distress was to be
had on the said Land, was illegal. And likewise Resolve, That the
calling or using more than Two appraisers, or appraising the Dis-
tress in less than five Days, is contrary to the Statute in such Cases
made and provided; and that the taking of the said Horse in manner
aforesaid was illegal and oppressive; that the ffees required by the
said Sheriff were excessive; that such manner of actings tend to the
Ruin of his Majesty's Liege Subjects, and discourage the settling
of this province, being part of his Majesty's Dominions, to the
prejudice of the proprietarys Tenants, from his said Lordship, his
good Rule and Government.
But is all humbly Submitted to the Consideration of your honour-
able House, Signed per Order, Wm Wilkins, Clerk.
The House Adjourns 'til 2 of the Clock.

Post Meridiem
The House met according to adjournment &c.
Mr Brome hath Leave of the House to go home
The House taking into Consideration the ffacts contained in the
Report brought in this morning from the Committee of Aggriev-
ances, concurs therewith.
Ordered, That the several persons mentioned in the said Report,
do attend this House on Tuesday next; and that the Clerk of this
House make out Summonses for Mr John Hanson the youngest
Deputy Sheriff of Charles County, Mr Samuel Hanson Junr Sheriff
of Charles County, Mr Henry Brook Receiver of the Quit-Rents
for Charles County, persons Complained of in the said Report; and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)
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