520 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
inspect the Deed of purchase of the Land whereon the House is
Built; also the Buildings, and other Materials, on the said Land
now being; and that they make Report to the House relating thereto.
Col Hollyday from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker
Sundry petitions of the ffreeholders, and Inhabitants of Cecil County,
relating to the Building a new Court House, and fixing it in Charles
Town, in said County, referred by the Upper House, to the Con-
sideration of the Lower House.
Daniel Dulany Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker
a petition of the ffreeholders, and other the Inhabitants, above Great
Seneca Branch, in Prince George's County, and a petition of Sundry
Inhabitants and ffreeholders of Prince George's County; referred
by the Upper House, to the Consideration of the Lower House
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The House met — and Adjourn'd 'til Monday Morning 9 of the
June 1
Monday, June I. 1747
The House met according to adjournment &c.
Major Hall appeared in the House.
Capt Addison is added to the Committee of Laws.
The House adjourns to Two of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The House met according to adjournment.
Mr Thomas hath Leave of the House to go home
On Reading the petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Cecil County,
Praying Leave to bring in a Bill to Build a new Court House, &c the
same was granted, so far as it Relates to the Building a new Court
House; the Question was put, whether this House will fix a place
where the Court House shall be built, or leave it to the Choice of the
ffreeholders of the said County; Resolved, That the Choice of the
place where the Court House shall be Built, be left to the Majority
of the ffreeholders of Cecil County
The House adjourns til To Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
June 2
Tuesday Morning June 2. 1747
The House met according to adjournment, &c.
Col. Hooper, from the Committee of Grievances &c. delivers Mr
Speaker the following Report, viz.