The Lower House, 519
On Motion of a Member, that an Enquiry be made, whether the
attorney General hath put in suit the Bond given by Philip Lee Esqr
Deceased, late Naval Officer of North Potomack District, and
Robert Ungle Esqr Deceased, his Bond as Treasurer of the Eastern
Shore, according to the address of this House in 1746, to the Gover-
nor, and by him directed to be put in suit.
Ordered, That the Committee of accounts do make an Enquiry,
and Report the same to the House.
The House Adjourns 'til To Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock.
Liber No. 46
Friday Morning, May 29. 1747
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
All Members were present as Yesterday, except Major Hall
Mr Worthington from the Committee of Accounts, delivers Mr
Speaker following Report, viz.
By the Committee of Accounts, May 29. 1747
Pursuant to an Order of your Honourable House, your Commit-
tee have enquired in the Secretarys office, and can find no proceed-
ings on Philip Lee Esqr his Bond, as Naval Officer of Potomack, nor
on Robert Ungle Esqr his Bond as Treasurer of the Eastern Shore,
directed in the said Order, nor any directions or Orders left with
the Clerk of the Provincial Court by the Attorney General, to Issue
any process on the said Bonds, or either of them; the Attorney
General being gone out of Town, your Committee could not know of
him the Reason for omitting the same. All which is humbly sub-
mitted to the Consideration of your Honourable House.
Signed per Order, Richard Dorsey, Clerk.
The House adjourn'd 'til 2 of the Clock
Post Meridiem
The House met according to adjournment, and adjourn'd 'til To
Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock
May 29
Saturday Morning, May 30. 1747
The House met according to adjournment &c.
All members present as Yesterday, except Major Hall.
May 30
Mr Worthington from the Committee of Accounts, delivers to :
Mr Speaker an Account from Thomas Bladen Esqr against the Prov-
ince of Maryland, for purchasing of Land, and Building an House
for the Residence of a Governor, and for other particulars, On
Reading thereof, Ordered, That Mr Smith, Col. Hall, Mr Thomas,
Mr John Goldsborough and Col. Scarborough, be a Committee, to
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