518 Assembly Proceedings, May 16-July 11, 1747.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
Post Meridiem
The House met according to adjournment
The Bill, entituled, An Act for Tryal of all matters of ffact in the
Several Counties where they have arisen, or shall arise, was Read
the second Time, and will pass, and was sent to the Upper House,
by Col. Dashiel and Major Barnes.
p. 693
The Bill, entituled, An Act for Issuing Writs of Replevin out
of the County Courts, was Read the Second Time, and will pass
and was sent to the Upper House, by Mr Wootton, and Capt. Bayard.
It being moved by a Member from the Committee of Laws, that
a Clerk Assistant to the Clerk of that Committee is wanted, and that
Mr Matthias Bordley is a person capable; the House appoints him.
Ordered, That he Qualify himself before a Magistrate.
Capt. Gordon acquaints Mr Speaker, that Mr Matthias Bordley,
Qualified before him, as Clerk Assistant to the Clerk of the Com-
mittee of Laws, by taking the several Oaths to the Government,
required by Law, by Subscribing the Oath of Abjuration, by repeat-
ing and signing the Test, and by taking the Oath of Office.
The House adjourns 'til To Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock
May 28
Thursday Morning, May 28. 1747
The House met according to Adjournment &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act to Remedy some Defects in an Inden-
ture of Bargain and Sale, made and Executed by Michael Curtis,
and Sarah his wife &c. was Read the second Time, and will pass,
sent to the Upper House by Mr Dulany, and Mr Mills.
Major Hall hath Leave of the House to be absent this Day.
The House adjourns to 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment
Col. Tasker from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker a
petition of the Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen, of St.
Margaret's Westminster Parish; and a petition of the Iustices and
Clerk of Charles County; severally referred by the Upper, to the
Consideration of the Lower House
An Enquiry into the reason of assessing and Levying one pound
of Tobacco per poll, by the Governor and Council, on the Inhabi-
tants of this province, in the year 1744, and in what manner the
application thereof was made, being referred for Consideration of
the House this Day, and the same being considered; it is Resolved,
That his Excellency be addressed thereon.
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in such