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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 517

Mr Richard Snowden, being permitted to come into this House,
with Several other Gentlemen, to hear the Debates, did, whilst a
Member was Debating, accuse him of falshood; which being a great
Contempt of the Rights and privileges of this House, the Serjeant
at Arms was ordered to take the said Richard Snowden into
Mr Richard Snowden sent the following Letter; viz.
To the Honourable Edward Sprigg Esqr Speaker of the House of
Assembly of Maryland.
Honourable ffriend,
Hurry'd by my passion, I inadvertently made use of an Expres-
sion, which I acknowledge was indecent, and contrary to the privi-
leges of your Honourable House; for which I am sincerely sorry,
and heartily beg pardon of your Honourable House, and of that
worthy member in particular, for whom I have the greatest Regard :
and nothing but an Imagination, that my Credit as a Man of veracity,
was at Stake, could have carried me to such a Pitch of Indiscretion.
Therefore I am ready to make such Submission, as your Honour-
able House will please to accept of, from
Their and your Ready ffriend
Richard Snowden
The Serjeant at arms acquainted Mr Speaker he had taken Mr
Snowden into Custody, in pursuance of the Order of the House
Ordered, That Mr Snowden attend at the Bar of this House, in
the Custody of the Serjeant, which he accordingly did.
Mr Speaker gave him the following Reprimand Viz.
Inasmuch as you have offered an high Indignity to this House
in a public Manner, and particularly to a Member thereof, in the
Execution of his Duty; you are to ask pardon of this House, and
that Member, and at the same time take notice, that the Considera-
tion of your Age and Character, and that what you did is looked
upon to be done thro' Inadvertency, hath induced the House to use
you with great Indulgence.
Mr Snowden made his Due Submission to the House, and to the
Member in particular. Whereupon, he was discharged on payment
of the ffees to the Serjeant at Arms.
The House Adjourns until To-Morrow Morning 9 o'Clock

Liber No. 46

Wednesday Morning, May 27, 1747
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Capt. Tilghman, and Mr John Gresham, are added to the Com-
mittee of Laws.

Ordered, That the Committee of Laws be empowered to send for
persons, papers, and Records
The House Adjourns 'til 2 of the Clock

May 27

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 517   View pdf image (33K)
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