514 Assembly Proceedings, May i6-July 11, 1747.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
May 23
Saturday Morning, May 23. 1747
The House met according to adjournment, &c.
Col. Hooper, and Capt Ennals, appeared in the House
On motion of a Member, that the reason of Assessing and Levy-
ing from the Inhabitants of this province, one pound of Tobacco
per poll in 1744, and the application of the same, be enquired into;
Resolved, That the Consideration thereof be referred to Thursday
A Bill, entituled, an Act to Remedy some Defects in an Inden-
ture of Bargain and Sale, made and executed by Michael Curtis and
Sarah his wife, late of St. Mary's County, Deceased, to Charles
Carroll Esqr late of the City of Annapolis Deceased was Read the
first Time, and ordered to lie on the Table
Richard Lee Esqr from the Upper House, delivers to Mr Speaker
Sundry petitions from several Inhabitants of Kent County, in Rela-
tion to the Staple Commodity of Tobacco; Indorsed " By the Upper
House of Assembly, referred to the Consideration of the Lower
House of Assembly."
Samuel Chamberlaine Esqr from the Upper House delivers to
Mr Speaker a petition from Sundry Inhabitants of Dorchester
County, relating to the Staple of Tobacco; indors'd, By the Upper
House of Assembly, referred to the Consideration of the Lower
The House adjourns 'til Monday Morning, 9 of the Clock
May 25
p. 691
Monday, May 25. 1747
The House met, the members were Called, and all appeared, ex-
cept Mr Philip Hammond, Mr Smallwood Mr Courts, Mr Wilkinson,
Capt. John Addison,' Mr Joseph Hall, and Mr Pemberton.
On Reading a petition of Thomas Chase, Rector of St Paul's
parish, in Baltimore County, to this House; the same is Referred to
the Gentlemen of the Committee of Aggrievances, as a Committee
appointed to enquire into the allegations, and examine the ffacts con-
tained in the said petition; and Ordered, That the said Committee
make Report to the House thereon
It being moved by a member, That the Publick and County Goal,
in the City of Annapolis, is in a ruinous State and Condition, and
hazardous for the Sheriff of Anne Arundell County to Detain pris-
oners therein; Ordered, That Mr Smith, Col John Hall, Major
Henry Hall, and Mr William Thomas, be a Committee to enquire
into the State and Condition of the publick and County Goal afore-
said; and that they make Report to the House concerning the same.
The House adjourns until To Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock