406 Assembly Proceedings, June 17-July 8, 1746.
Session Laws
The Arms to
be paid for,
and replaced
And forasmuch as it is promised by the before-recited Letter from
his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, that the said Arms should be paid
for in a reasonable Manner; Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That his Excellency Thomas Bladen, Esq; or the Governor
of Maryland for the Time being, is hereby requested and required to
write to Lieutenant-General St. Clair, or the Officer in chief com-
manding the Forces on the said intended Expedition against Canada,
or whoever is or shall be impowered by his Majesty, to pay for
Arms for the same Expedition, and procure Payment for the said
Arms, so supplied out of the Magazine of this Province, with a reas-
onable Advance upon them, so as that the same Quantity, and of
equal Quality, be replaced into the Magazine of this Province: And
the said Thomas Bladen, Esq; or the Governor or Commander in
chief within this Province for the Time being, shall, and he is hereby
required to send to Mr. William Hunt, Merchant in London, in
Great-Britain, the Money or Bills arising on the Payment for the
Arms aforesaid; and direct that the like Quantity shall be bought
with the same Money, Insured, and sent into this Province for the
Use of the Public, as the said Arms so given out for the Troops for
his Majesty's Service as aforesaid shall amount unto.
Accounts to
be made out
of the
Money re-
ceived and
laid out
p. 10
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said
several and respective Agents herein before mentioned shall, and
they are hereby required to make out clear and distinct Accounts of
the Money, which they shall receive in Virtue of this Act, how applied
and paid, to whom, and for what Uses; and the same Accounts
return to the next General Assembly.
How the said
Money is to
be replaced
in the Office
And that the public Faith and Credit of this Province may be
supported, and for the more effectual and speedy Replacing and Re-
payment of the said Sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Pounds
into the Office of the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills
of Credit, established by Act of Assembly; Be it Enacted by the
Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That from and after the
End of this Session of Assembly, the Justices of each County in
Court sitting be, and are hereby empowered and authorized from
time to time, as often as need shall require, to grant Licenses to such
Person or Persons as they shall think fit, being Persons of good
Repute, to be Ordinary-keepers and Inn-holders, for keeping of
Ordinaries and Houses of Entertainment in such and so many
Places within their several and respective Counties, for the Ease and
Conveniency of the Inhabitants, Travellers, and Strangers, as to them
respectively shall seem meet; for which Licenses the said Persons
that shall be so licensed to keep Ordinary as aforesaid shall, at the
Time of his, her, or their taking such License, pay the several Sums
following; that is to say, For every License to keep Ordinary in the
City of Annapolis, the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money; and for
every License to keep Ordinary at any other Place within this Prov-