Acts. 407
ince, the Sum of Fifty Shillings Current Money; for every Year such
Person shall keep Ordinary as aforesaid.
Session Laws
And be it further Enacted, That during the Continuance of this
Act, all Ordinary-Licenses shall commence and be renewed at every
August Court, on pain that any Person or Persons then omitting or
neglecting to renew their License, and shall continue to sell Liquor
as an Ordinary-keeper, shall be liable to all the Penalties mentioned
in this Act, against Persons selling Liquors without License; and it
shall also be lawful for the Justices to refuse granting such Persons
Licenses for that Year: And if they shall think fit to grant the same
at the next or other Court following, the said Ordinary-keepers shall
Licenses to
and be re-
newed every
pay the full annual Charge for such License. Provided, That any
Person, not having before had a License to keep Ordinary, may at
any Court, other than August Court, have License granted, if the
Justices see fit, but to continue no longer than the August Court
following, when it shall determine, and may be renewed as others ;
for taking of which Licenses the Ordinary-keeper shall pay only
in proportion to the Time between his taking such License and
August Court aforesaid. Provided also, That any Person now hav-
ing License to keep Ordinary, which shall expire before August
Court, seventeen hundred forty and six, may also be allowed to take
out further License until the said August Court, paying for such
License a Fine only in proportion to the Time as abovesaid.
And be it further Enacted, That all and every Person taking
Ordinary Licenses as aforesaid shall, at the Time of having such
License granted, pay to the Sheriffs of the respective Counties
where such Person or Persons shall inhabit, the Fine or Sum to be
Duty of the
Sheriffs in
regard to
paid for Ordinary-Licenses before-mentioned in this Act; which the
said Sheriffs respectively are hereby required and obliged by Virtue
of their Office to receive, as well as to collect and receive all Fines
and Forfeitures arising on the Breach of any Part of this Act by
such Ordinary-keepers; for receiving, collecting, and paying of
of which Fines and Forfeitures, the said Sheriffs shall be allowed a
Salary of five Pounds per Cent. And that the Clerk of each respective
County shall keep a true and exact Entry of all Ordinary-keepers,
to whom such Licenses are granted, and of all Fines and Forfeitures
relating thereto; and at every November Court shall deliver to the
Justices a true List of all Ordinary-keepers in their respective Coun-
ties licensed as aforesaid; as also of all Fines and Forfeitures hap-
pening in that Year; and shall also cause to be delivered the like List
or Account to the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills of
Credit, on or before the twenty-fifth Day of December, yearly; And
the said several and respective Sheriffs are hereby obliged and re-
quired to pay all such Sum or Sums of Money as shall come to their
Hands by Virtue of this Act, for Ordinary Licenses, or Fines and
Forfeitures, as aforesaid, to the Commissioners or Trustees afore-
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