Session Laws
Certificate or Certificates of Discharge aforesaid; which Certificate
or Certificates the same Justices respectively are hereby required to
cause to be inrolled amongst the Records of their Courts, and an
Indorsement to be made by their Clerk, under his Hand and the
Seal of such Court, of the Day of the Inrollment thereof; from
which Day the Exemptions aforesaid for the seven Years aforesaid
shall commence. And that it may the more certainly appear what
Persons have so voluntarily inlisted themselves in his Majesty's Ser-
vice as aforesaid, and who may hereafter claim the Exemption and
Encouragement above granted, the said several and respective Agents
are hereby required and obliged to return Lists of such Persons so
inlisted in their respective Counties (and in what Company, and
under what Captain and Lieutenant), to one or more Justice or
Justices of their respective Counties; which Justice or Justices shall
produce the same to the next County Court, which Court shall order
the same to be recorded by the respective Clerks in the Records of
their respective Counties, ex Officio, without Fee or Reward.
P. 8
Agents ap-
pointed for
and convey-
ing the
Forces to
the Place of
And whereas this General Assembly have appointed three thou-
sand Pounds, Part of the aforesaid four thousand five hundred
Pounds, to be applied to the Support, Maintainance, and Conveyance
of said Troops to Albany, or the Place of Rendezvous; in order the
better to apply the said Sum of three thousand Pounds, Be it further
Enacted, That the Honourable Benjamin Tasker, Esq; Doctor
Charles Carroll, and Colonel Robert King, or any two of them, be
and are hereby constituted and appointed Agents for this Province,
to execute and perform the several Matters and Things herein after
mentioned and expressed; that is to say, That as soon as any Num-
ber of Troops or Soldiers, not exceeding three hundred, shall be
inlisted, levied, and raised within this Province, and drawn together
into one or more Body or Bodies, and incorporated into Companies,
at one or more particular Places, by any Officer or Officers thereto
duly authorized by Commission from his Majesty, and Notice or
Certificate thereof given to the said Agents, or any two of them, by
the Governor or Commander in chief of this Province for the Time
being, the same Agents, or any two of them, shall forthwith call for,
demand, and receive, from the Commissioners or Trustees for emit-
ting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly, the Sum of
three thousand Pounds, or such Part of it as they the said Agents,
or any two of them, shall think necessary, for providing wholesome
Provisions for, and Conveyance of said Troops to Albany, or such
other Place as by Brigadier-General Gooch, or other General Officer
commissioned by his Majesty for that Purpose, shall be appointed ;
and shall provide for the said Troops sufficient wholesome Pro-
visions, at the Place or Places where they shall be lodged or en-
camped within this Province; or may contract and agree with some
other Person or Persons, for the finding and providing the same