Acts. 403
and unpaid or unapplied to the Uses or Purposes aforesaid; and
that such Commissioners be hereby obliged to sign Receipts to the
said Agents respectively for the same; and that such Receipts, re-
turned to the then next General Assembly to be held for this Prov-
ince, shall be deemeed and taken as a sufficient discharge and Acquit-
tance to such Agent or Agents respectively, for such Sum or Sums
as shall be in the said several and respective Receipts contained;
and that the said Commissioners or Trustees apointed for emitting
the Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly, for the Time
being, shall give Credit in the Books of the said Office for such sev-
eral and respective Sums as shall to them be so repaid by the respec-
tive Agents as aforesaid: And that they the said Commissioners or
Trustees be and are hereby made chargeable with the said Money so
Session Laws
repaid, in the same Manner as for other Money or Bills of Credit
by them received or lodged in the said Office, for the Use of the
Public of the Province aforesaid; and that the same be applied to
any Uses for which it had been heretofore appropriated by any Law
of this Province heretofore made, and at the Time of such Repay-
ment in Force.
p. 7
And for a further Encouragement for the Persons aforesaid
voluntarily inlisting as aforesaid, Be it Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That all and every such Person as aforesaid, who shall
inlist, and serve his Majesty in the Expedition aforesaid, having
first received the Bounty aforesaid by this Act granted, and after
the same Expedition is over shall return to this Province, within
eighteen Months after his being discharged from his Majesty's Ser-
vice aforesaid, having a Certificate of such Discharge, and of his
good Behaviour during the Service, under the Hand and Seal of his
Captain, or other superior Officer, shall by Virtue of this Act, from
the Time of his Return aforesaid, for the Space and Term of seven
Years from thence next following, be exempted from the Payment
of any Public, County, or Parish Taxes or Levies whatsoever; and
also shall be free and clear from all or any Service or Attendance
in making or clearing the Highways of this Province; any Law,
Usage, or Custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
to Soldiers
returning to
to this Prov-
ince, after
the End of
the Expedi-
And be it further Enacted, That all and every such Person afore-
said, inlisting and receiving the Bounty aforesaid, shall pass and
repass over all Ferries within this Province Ferriage-free, whilst
such Person or Persons shall continue in his Majesty's Service, and
be in the actual Exercise of his Duty.
To pass free
over all
And for the better ascertaining the Time of Return of the Persons
or Soldiers aforesaid from the Expedition aforesaid, Be it further
Enacted, That he or they so returning, shall apply to the Court of the
County where he or they shall incline to reside, to be held next after
such Return, and produce to the Justices of that Court his or their
And to pro-
duce Certifi-
cates of their
Discharge at
their Return