402 Assembly Proceedings, June 17-July 8, 1746.
Session Laws
such Freeman or Freemen hath or have inlisted him or themselves
as Soldiers in his Majesty's Service, with such Captain, or other
superior Officer; and requesting all the Creditors of such Freeman
or Freemen, within ten Days after such Notice, to lav their several
Claims or Debts before the Agent of the County: And if the Claims
or Debts of any one Freeman, inlisted as aforesaid, shall not in the
whole amount to more than five Pounds, then such Agent shall pay
the five Pounds, due by Virtue of this Act, or so much thereof as the
said Debts shall amount unto, to such Creditor or Creditors respec-
tively, according to their several Claims; and if any Dispute should
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arise between the Debtor and Creditor, concerning the Justice of any
such Claim or Debt, the same shall be determined by such Agent,
who is hereby impowered, in a summary Way, to hear and de-
termine the same: But if upon the Claims aforesaid of the Creditor
or Creditors, it shall appear to such Agent, that any inlisted Freeman
aforesaid owes more than five Pounds in the whole, then such Free-
man, whose Debts amount to above five Pounds, shall not be en-
titled to the Bounty aforesaid, and shall be equally liable to his
Creditors, as if this Act had never been made.
Persons in-
listed ex-
empted from
Arrests for
Debts not
demanded in
10 days
And be it further Enacted, That every Freeman inlisted as afore-
said, shall by Virtue of this Act be free and exempted from any
Arrest for Debt, from the Time of setting up the Advertisements
aforesaid, for the Space of ten Days, from thence next following:
And that no Person whatsoever shall sue, arrest, or implead any
Freeman inlisted as aforesaid, for any Claim, or Debt, not claimed
or produced to such Agent within the ten Days aforesaid.
In case the
be put off,
then the
Money to be
returned into
the Paper
And be it further Enacted, That in case the said intended Expe-
dition shall be put off by his Majesty, and that the Commission men-
tioned in the aforesaid Letter of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle,
shall not be sent into this Province, for the inlisting Men as aforesaid,
for his Majesty's Service, under the Command of Brigadier-General
Gooch, or other General appointed by his Majesty, at or before the
thirtieth Day of September next ensuing: Or, that in case the said
Expedition shall be prosecuted, and Commissions shall be sent in as
aforesaid; and that contrary to the Hopes and Desire of this present
General Assembly, the Number of Men cannot be had, who may
voluntarily inlist themselves for his Majesty's Service, within this
Province as aforesaid, whereby the said Sum shall not be wholly
applied, as herein before directed: That then, and in such Cases, the
said several and respective Agents, herein before named for the sev-
eral and respective Counties of this Province, shall be, and are hereby
obliged to repay into the said Office, unto the said Commissioners
or Trustees appointed for emitting the Bills of Credit, established
by Act of Assembly, for the Time being, the said several and respec-
tive Sums, so as aforesaid by them received, or such Ballance or Bal-
lances as shall remain in their or either of their Hands respectively,