Acts. 401
Pounds; for Charles County, to Capt. Richard Harrison, one hun-
dred Pounds; for Talbot County, to Col. Edward Lloyd, fifty
Pounds; for Dorchester County, to Capt. Bartholomew Ennalls, one
hundred Pounds; for Csecil County, to Capt. Nicholas Hyland, two
hundred Pounds; for Baltimore County, to Major Thomas Shere-
dine, one hundred and fifty Pounds; for Prince George's County, to
Session Laws
Col. Edward Sprigg, two hundred Pounds; for Somerset County,
to Col. George Dashiel, one hundred Pounds; for Queen Anne's
County, to Col. James Hollyday, one hundred and fifty Pounds; for
Worcester County, to Col. John Scarborough, fifty Pounds; who are
hereby authorized and appointed as Agents in their respective Coun-
ties aforesaid, to take and receive the several and respective Sums
of Money aforesaid, from the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid,
for the Time being; which said Commissioners or Trustees are hereby
impowered and required to pay the same as aforesaid, and to take
Receipts respectively for the same, which Receipts shall be sufficient
Discharges to them the said Commissioners or Trustees, for so much
Money so paid, as shall in them be respectively mentioned and
p. 5
And be it further Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the
Agents aforesaid, and each of them respectively, out of the respective
Sums of Money by them as aforesaid to be received, to apply and
pay to such Freemen of sufficient Ability of Body, and fit for Ser-
vice, at the Rate of five Pounds to each Freeman, in the respective
Counties aforesaid where the Agents aforesaid do commonly reside,
or in any other County within this Province, if a sufficient Number
within the particular Counties are not to be found, who shall volun-
tarily inlist, and enter themselves as common Soldiers in his
Majesty's Service for the Expedition aforesaid, with any Captain,
or other superior Officer, who shall be duly appointed and com-
missioned as aforesaid for that Purpose; such Person, or other supe-
rior Officer, having first certified by Writing under his Hand, to
such Agent or Agents, that such Freemen are duly inlisted and
entered as Soldiers with such Captain or other superior Officer in
his Majesty's Service, and is in such Manner secured, that the said
Captain or other superior Officer is not under any Apprehension of
such Soldier's deserting from the Service: And that the same
Agents, and each of them, on Payment of the Money as aforesaid,
shall take a Receipt on such Certificate from each Soldier, for the
Sums of Money to them respectively paid. And that no Creditor
may by Virtue of this Act be deprived of their Debt,
Money to be
paid to
Be it further Enacted, That every Captain, or other superior
Officer, aforesaid, with whom any Freeman shall inlist and claim
the Bounty aforesaid, shall set up, or cause Advertisements to be
set up, at the Court-house and other public Places, of the County
where such Freeman shall reside, thereby giving public Notice, that
Debts of
Persons in-
listing to be
paid out of
such Bounty,
if not ex-
ceeding 5