400 Assembly Proceedings, June 17-July 8, 1746.
Session Laws
Arms be taken out of the Magazine of this Province: We therefore,
his Majesty's faithful and loyal Subjects, the Delegates of the Free-
men of the Province of Maryland, in General Assembly convened,
dutifully to comply with his Majesty's Expectations, as also to con-
p. 4
tribute to the utmost of our Power towards so important a Service,
and to encourage able-bodied Freemen to enter therein with greater
Chearfulness, and for their better Support, Maintainance in Provi-
sion, and Conveyance to the Place of Rendezvous, humbly pray that
it may be Enacted :
Money to be
taken out of
the Paper
Office, for
the Uses
mentioned in
this Act
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That the Sum of four thousand five hundred Pounds, in Bills
of Credit, shall be issued and paid out of the Money, or Bills of
Credit, remaining Appropriated or Unappropriated in the Office of
the Commissioners or Trustees appointed for emitting Bills of Credit,
established by Act of Assembly, by the Commissioners or Trustees
aforesaid, for the time being, out of the said Office, in manner and
form, and to such Persons as herein after directed, for the more
effectual and better Encouragement of able-bodied Freemen to enlist
themselves in his Majesty's Service; and with Officers appointed by
the Governor of this Province, for the time being, and commissioned
by his Majesty, in the intended Expedition against Canada; and for
providing a sufficient Quantity of Provisions for the Subsistance of
such Men, and for their better Support, and Conveyance to Albany,
in the Province of New-York, or such other Place of Rendezvous,
which shall be appointed by the aforesaid Brigadier-General Gooch,
or the commanding Officer in Chief, appointed by his Majesty, for
the Service aforesaid: And the said Commissioners or Trustees for
the Time being, are hereby empowered and directed to pay out of
the Money, or Bills of Credit, aforesaid, appropriated or unappro-
priated in the said Office, at or before the thirtieth Day of September
next ensuing, the said Sum of four thousand five hundred Pounds,
in Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly, in Manner, and to
such Persons, as herein after is directed.
Agents of
the several
Counties to
whom the
said Money
is to be paid
And be it further Enacted, That the Sum of fifteen hundred
Pounds, Part of the aforesaid four thousand five hundred Pounds,
Current Money, in Bills of Credit aforesaid, shall be issued and paid
out of the Office aforesaid, by the Commissioners or Trustees afore-
said, for the Time being, who are hereby authorized and required
to issue and pay the said Sum of fifteen hundred Pounds, at or before
the thirtieth Day of July next, to the Persons hereafter mentioned :
That is to say, For St. Mary's County, to Major Abraham Barnes,
fifty Pounds; for Kent County, to Mr. Matthias Harris, one hundred
Pounds; for Anne Arundel County, to Col. Benjamin Tasker, two
hundred Pounds; for Calvert County, to Mr. Walter Smith, fifty