means for Answering his Majesty's commands relating to the Expi-
dition against Canada. The following ingrossed Address to the
Governor being read, and Assented to, was ordered on behalf of the
House to be signed by the Honourable Speaker Viz. To his Excel-
lency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governor of Maryland
The humble Address of the House of Delegates
May it Please your Excellency
We his Majesty's most loyal and dutiful Subjects the Delegates
of the Freemen of Maryland in Assembly convened, assure your
Excellency, that we shall make use of this and every other meeting,
with the greatest Chearfulness, and as much as in us lies, for His
Majesty's Honour and Service and the Welfare of our Constitu-
ents: and that upon the Present Occasion (so far as is required of
us, by our Gracious Sovereign) we will more Particularly exert
Liber No. 46
our best Endeavours to do every reasonable Thing in our Power
consistent with the Condition of the People we represent to promote
the raising of Forces, and providing for them in the entended Expe-
dition against Canada.
This House having upon Every Occasion given the strongest Tes-
timony of Duty and Loyalty, we hope it will not be doubted but that
a success to this Enterprize is as evidently wished for by us as Any
of his Majesty's Subjects, as our loyal Breasts are filled with an
equal hearty and warm Zeal for the Honour and Glory of the Crown
of Great Britain and every advantage that may arise to our Mother
Country, as well as for our own immediate safety.
The Letters from the Governors of New York and New England,
which your Excellency has been Pleased to lay before us, shall have
a due Consideration; and we hope that our Result thereon, as well
as in all other Matters relating to the Trust reposed in us, will to
every judicious, impartial, and Honest man, manifest our Zeal
Loyalty and Prudence
As we are very sensible that His Majesty's Service on the Present
Occasion requires the utmost Dispatch, we are therefore determined
to give it such as it's nature will admit of, in Order to which, your
Excellency's laying before this House the Letter from his Grace the
Duke of Newcastle, or other His Majesty's Commands which relate
to the Part we are to Act, will greatly contribute. Col King and
Mr Barnes are sent to Acquaint his Excellency that this House hath
prepared an Address to him and desires to know when and where he
will be pleased to receive it: They return and acquaint Mr Speaker
his Excellency will be ready to receive it immediately in the Confer-
ence Chamber.
Col. King with Thirteen others, sent to present the Address; They
return and Acquaint Mr Speaker they have presented it
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