312 Assembly Proceedings, June 17-July 8, 1746.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
and Col. Hammond from the Upper House, acquaint Mr Speaker
that the Governor desires his Attendance, with the rest of the Mem-
bers in the Upper House.
Mr Speaker, with the Members, accordingly went to the Upper
House where his Excellency made the following Speech. (See page
p. 579
Mr Speaker and the Members return to their House, and Mr
Speaker resumes the Chair.
Mr George Wilson a returned Member for Kent County and
Mr Joshua George, a member returned for Cecil County, being
Absent the first Meeting of this Assembly, Mr Richard Gresham
and Mr Nicholas Hyland are sent with them to the Upper House
to see them Qualified: They return and Acquaint Mr Speaker they
saw them Qualified in the usual manner. The Gentlemen take their
Seats in the House.
The House continues the Several Committees, with their respec-
tive Clerks, Appointed at the first meeting of this Assembly. Mr
George is Added to the Committee of Laws
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare an Address to the
Governor, on his Speech Resolved, That the House will take into
consideration To-morrow morning, that Part of the Governor's
Speech which relates immediately to his Majesty's Service
The House adjourns till To-morrow Morning, 8 of the Clock.
June 18
Wednesday Morning June 18. 1746.
The House met according to Adjournment, and the Proceedings
of yesterday were read, Mr Stoughton, Col. Dashiel, Mr Robins,
Col. Scarborough, Mr John Goldsborough, Mr Philip Hammond,
Mr Addison Col Hall, and Dr Buchanan, appear in the House
Mr Nicholas Goldsborough a returned Member for Talbot County,
likewise appears in the House, who being Absent the first meeting
of this Assembly, Mr Thomas and Mr John Goldsborough are sent
with him to the Upper House to see him qualified. They return and
Acquaint Mr Speaker they saw him qualified in the usual manner.
The Gentleman takes his seat in the House, and is added to the
Committee of Laws.
Mr Speaker receives from his Excellency the Letters from the
Governor of New York and New England mentioned in his Speech
which were read, and ordered to lie for the perusal of the Members.
Dr Carroll delivers Mr Speaker an Address to the Governor on his
Speech, which was read approved of, and ordered to be Ingrossed.
Resolved, That this House will resolve it self into a Grand Com-
mittee at two of the Clock in the Afternoon to consider of ways and