Whereas a most unnatural Rebellion hath been, and as We fear
is still carryed on in Great Britain in favour of a Popish Pretender
educated in the Bigottry and Superstition of the Church of Rome
and trained up in the Arbitrary Principles of the Courts of France
and Spain by whose Councils and Supplies his Cause is governed
and supported
We the Governor and the Members of the Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly of the Province of Maryland at this time Con-
vened whose Names are hereunto subscribed being fully perswaded
that nothing under God can so effectually secure to the People of
Great Britain and the Dominions thereof the perfect Enjoyment of
their Religious and Civil Rights as the Continuance of his Most
Sacred Majesty and his Royal Family on the Throne, do hold Our-
selves by all the Ties of Loyalty Duty and Gratitude to declare as
well our Abhorrence of this detestable Rebellion as also our firm
and inviolable Attachment to Our most Gracious Sovereign King
George the second and his Government But as by Our Distance We
cannot hope for an Opportunity of manifesting the sincerity of
these Our Dutiful Expressions by any immediate Service to his
sacred Person, We therefore do solemnly promise and hereby en-
gage Ourselves to stand by each other and to the utmost of Our