ligion should be added thereto, thinking it a proper Amendment
they being only casually Omitted, but that they would not agree to
have the other Words vizt being truly sensible of that inestimable
Happiness which his Majestys Subjects enjoy in the full and free
Possession of their Religion Liberties and Properties under his
most sacred Majesty King George the second to be made a Part
of the Association for that being immediately under the Govt of
the Right honble the Lord Baltimore the Proprietor of Maryland
and thereby labouring as they conceive under some Aggrievances by
means of which they apprehend themselves in some Measure de-
prived of that free and full Possession of their Civil Rights which
they acknowledge they should otherwise enjoy from his most Sacred
Majesty in Common with all other his most faithful Subjects; And
then proposed to the Conferees of the Upper House the following
Words vizt " Being perswaded that nothing under God can so effec-
tually secure to the People of Great Britain and the Dominions
thereof the perfect Enjoyment of their Religious and Civil Rights
as the Continuance of his most Sacred Majesty and his Royal Family
upon the Throne " to be inserted instead of the Words objected to
by the Lower House. To which the Conferees of the Upper House
after taking the Sense of their House, to avoid further Delays or
Disputes have agreed the Words already mentioned to Wit Our
Detestation of Popery and the Slavish Principles of that supersti-
tious Religion being already agreed to be incerted in the Association
Upon which the form of an Association is drawn and annexed
hereto All which is submitted to the Consideration of both Houses
R King Edwd Tilghman Daniel Dulany
Geo. Buchanan Philip Thomas Philip Hammond