220 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Session Laws
build one good substantial Rolling-House, or Warehouse, of the
same Dimension and Building as is herein before described and
directed; as also pay and satisfy unto the Surveyor of the same
County the Sum of twenty Shillings Current Money, in Considera-
tion of his Service.
The Rolling
House to be
kept in re-
pair by the
person that
built it
And be it likewise Enacted, That in case the Person or Persons,
so as aforesaid entering and taking up the said Acre of Land, for
building a Rolling-House as aforesaid, shall not compleat and finish
the same in twelve Months as aforesaid, or when compleat and
finished according to the Directions of this Act, shall suffer the same
to decay or go out of Repair, so as not to be fully compleat, and kept
in sufficient Repair, for the Uses and Purposes by this Act men-
tioned, meant and intended, that then and in such case the said Acre
of Ground shall revert to, and be again the Right and Property of
the former Owner or Owners, their Heirs or Assigns; any Thing in
this Act herein before mentioned notwithstanding.
Tobacco to
be received
by the
Owner of
the said
And be it likewise Enacted, That when any Tobacco shall be
brought into the Rolling-House aforesaid, that the Owner or Own-
ers of such House is, and they are hereby obliged to take the same
into his or their Care, and the same carefully to preserve, to be
shipped, or otherwise delivered, according to the Direction of the
Owner or Owners of such Tobacco.
What is to
be paid per
for Ware-
house Room
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Owner or Owners of such Rolling-House, or Warehouse, shall, and
they are hereby impowered to receive for every Hogshead of To-
bacco delivered into his or their Care, and by them kept, and shipped
or delivered as aforesaid out of the House aforesaid, the Sum of
twelve Pence Current Money; and if the same shall lie or remain
in the said Rolling-House or Warehouse above the Space of three
Months, then for every Month more the Sum of Two Pence like
Money, for every Hogshead of Tobacco so lying and remaining
as aforesaid.
The Land to
be vested in
the Builder
of said
House and
his Heirs,
&c. for ever
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Entry and Payment of the Consideration affixed on the said Acre
of Land by the Jury aforesaid, and the Fees to the Surveyor (herein
before directed) and the building the House aforesaid, as herein
before directed, and keeping the same in good and sufficient Repair,
to and for the Uses herein before directed, shall vest in the Taker-
up and Builder of such House, or the Takers-up and Builders, his
or their Heirs and Assigns, for ever, a good sufficient Estate of
Inheritance in Fee-Simple, of and in the said Acre of Land, to and
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for the Uses and Purposes herein before mentioned.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Owner or Owners of the
said Acre shall, and he or they are hereby obliged to pay for the
Quit-Rent thereof, to the Lord Proprietary, the Sum of one Penny
Sterling Money yearly, and every Year.