Acts. 219
to cause the Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, to enter the Name
of such Person or Persons so requiring the same, and his, her, or
their Request as aforesaid; and the said Clerk is hereby Ordered
and Directed to make such Entry accordingly.
Session Laws
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Justices shall immediately upon such entry being made, order
the said Clerk to make out a Warrant to the Sheriff of Prince-
George's County aforesaid, to call to his Assistance the Surveyor
of the same County, as also to summon Twelve good and sufficient
Freeholders of his County, to meet at Rock-Creek Landing on
Potomack River, within a Space in such Warrant to be mentioned,
not exceeding Thirty Days after the Date thereof, and cause the said
Surveyor to lay out one Acre of Land most suitable and convenient
on the Land aforesaid, for Building thereon a Publick Rolling-
House, and the said Acre of Land to lay out in a Square, and the
same cause to be Marked or Bounded at each Corner with good
large Locust Posts let into the Ground at least Two Feet, and Three
Feet out; and a Certificate of such Survey to return into the Office
of the Clerk of Prince-George's County in Thirty Days after mak-
ing the same, and the said Clerk for the Time being is hereby obliged
to enter the same among the Records of his County.
Surveyor &c.
to lay out
the said
Acre of
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Sheriff shall and he is hereby obliged to Swear the said Jury,
that they shall and will to the best of their Skill and Knowledge
value the said one Acre of Land in Current Money of Maryland, for
Building thereon a Ware-house, or Rolling-House, for the Public
Service of the Neighbourhood, or such as shall make use thereof;
and the said Jury so Summoned and Sworn, are hereby obliged and
impowered to value the same in Current Money, and such Valuation
to certify under their Hands and Seals, mentioning therein of what
Tract of Land or Lands the said Acre is Part; which Certificate the
said Sheriff is hereby directed and impowered to annex to his War-
rant and the Certificate aforesaid, and the same return into the Office
The Jurors
to be sworn
by the
of the County Clerk, certifying on the Back of such Warrant the
Execution thereof, .as herein before directed; which Valuation and
Certificate of the Sheriff, the said Clerk is hereby obliged and directed
to enter with the Certificate of Survey of the said one Acre, by the
said Surveyor so as aforesaid made, in the Records of the County
p. 14
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the Person or Persons applying and making the
Entry as aforesaid, shall, and is hereby obliged to pay unto the
Owner or Owners of the said one Acre of Land, the Value which the
Jury shall put on the same, in Current Money as aforesaid; and shall,
and is hereby obliged, in twelve Months after making the Survey,
and valuing the said Acre of Land, as is herein before directed, to
The Acre of
Land to be
valued by