218 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745
Session Laws
Costs, to the great Burthen and Oppression of the Party, who, by the
Judgment of the Court in such Cause, is awarded to pay the Costs
of such Suit: For Prevention whereof for the future, Be it Enacted,
That in any Bill of Costs, in any Action or Actions to be com-
menced after the End of this Session of Assembly, there shall not
be allowed the Charge of above three Witnesses to the Proof of any
one particular Matter of Fact, or any other Witness or Witnesses
that shall appear to the Court to have been unnecessarily summoned.
of this Act
This Act to continue for three Years, and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the said three Years.
Chap. XIV
An Act for laying out one Acre of Land convenient to Rock-Creek
Landing, on Potomack River, on the Land George Gordon now
lives on, and for Building a Rolling-House thereon.
Whereas, it has been represented to this General Assembly, that
great quantities of Tobacco from the adjacent and back Parts of
Prince-George's County, have been rolled to Rock-Creek Landing,
on Potomack River, where for want of a convenient House to shel-
ter the same in, has been often and greatly Damaged, to the Preju-
dice of the Inhabitants. And whereas the Owners of the Lands
contiguous to the Landing aforesaid, have refused to Build such
convenient Rolling-House, though often requested by those con-
cerned. To remedy which Evil, and inasmuch as the said Landing
is the only convenient one in those Parts; it is humbly prayed that
it may be Enacted,
p. 12
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
Owner of
the said
Land refus-
ing or ne-
glecting to
of the same, That in case the Owner of the Land aforesaid lying at
the said Rock-Creek Landing, on Potomack River in Prince-George's
County aforesaid, shall not within the space of Eighteen Months
after the End of this Session of Assembly, Build one good substan-
tial Brick, Stone, or Framed House, of Seventy Feet long, and
Twenty-two Feet wide, in the Clear, and Nine Feet Pitch, well
Weather-boarded, if Framed, and tightly covered with Shingles,
and under-pinned with Stone and good Mortar, so as to render the
same dry, and sufficient to keep safe Tobacco, or other Goods which
from Time to Time or at any Times then after the Building afore-
said is compleated, shall be brought to the Landing aforesaid, and
required to be there kept or stored, That then and in such case it
shall and may be lawful to and for any Person or Persons whatso-
ever, to apply to the Magistrates of the said County, in Court sitting,
and desire that an Entry may be made in his, her, or their Names, of
any one Acre of Land situate and lying on the Land aforesaid, for
the Building thereon a Rolling-House according to the directions of
this Act, and the said Justices are hereby impowered and directed