Acts. 215
kept in Inclosures. All which this General Assembly think reason-
able to be Enacted.
Session Laws
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the same Towns, now called Baltimore
and Jones's Town, be incorporated into one entire Town, and for
the future called and known by the Name of Baltimore-Town, and
by no other Name; and that the Bridge the Inhabitants of said
Town have built on the Branch that divided said Towns, be for the
future deemed a public Bridge, repaired and kept passable for Man,
Horse, Cart, or Waggon, for the future, at the Expence and Charge
of Baltimore County.
The two
Towns to be
into one
And be it further Enacted, That Major Thomas Sheredine,
Dr. George Buchanan, Col. William Hammond, Capt. Robert North,
Capt. Darby Lux, Mr. Thomas Harrison, and Mr. William Fell,
be, and are hereby appointed Commissioners, in order to see this
present Act, and the former Acts relating to the Towns before-
mentioned, put in Execution; and that they cause the said Towns
to be carefully surveyed by the Out-Lines of said Towns, and therein
include the Branch over which the Bridge is built; and that they
from time to time cause all the Lots taken up and improved, or that
hereafter shall be taken up and improved, to be regularly surveyed,
substantially and fairly bounded, and numbered, in order to prevent
any Disputes that may happen touching the Right to any the said
Lots, or any Part of them.
sioners ap-
pointed for
the said
p. 10
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when
and as often as any of the said Commissioners shall die, remove
out of the County, or decline and refuse to act as a Commissioner,
that then the major Part of the Commissioners for the Time being
shall, in the Room of such Commissioner, appoint and nominate
another to serve in the Stead of such Commissioner so dying, remov-
ing, or refusing to serve, as aforesaid. And that should any Dispute
hereafter arise, touching the Bounds of any Lot or Lots within the
same Town, that the same shall be fully determined by the said Com-
missioners, or trie major Part of them: And to prevent any Par-
tiality that may be used herein, that the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, meet at least once a Year, and then see that a
Boundary to each Lot be kept up and preserved in Manner before
prescribed; and in case any be decayed, that they cause other suffi-
cient Boundary to be fixed in the Room of any missing or decayed.
And forasmuch that this, and other Matters in this Act contained,
will greatly tend to the Security of the Inhabitants of said Town,
On the Death
or Removal
of a Com-
missioner, a
new one to
be chosen
and the Preservation of their Rights; Be it also Enacted, That the
said Commissioners have Power, by this Act, to employ a Clerk, who
shall be under Oath, fairly and honestly to enter in a Book, to be
sioners to
appoint a