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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)
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216 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.

Session Laws

kept for that Purpose, all the Proceedings of said Commissioners
relating to said Town; in which Book, amongst other Things, shall
be kept a fair Plat of said Town, neatly platted, describing every Lot
by it's right Number, and who the Taker-up was or shall be; and
that all or any the said Commissioners, and their Successors, shall
have Recourse to the Clerk's Book or Books, as frequently as he or
they please, without Fee or Reward, the better to prevent any

and Clerk's

But in regard the Clerk and Surveyor, for their Trouble, must
have some Reward, Be it Enacted, That the said Commissioners,
or the major Part of them, may levy, assess, and take by Way of
Distress if needful, from the Inhabitants of the said Town, by even
and equal Proportion, the Sum of three Pounds yearly for the
Encouragement of their Clerk, to be paid to him; and that they have
Power to place and displace their Clerk as often as they shall think
fit: And that the County-Court of Baltimore have Power, and
hereby are required, at the Request of said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of said
County, any Sum not exceeding fifteen hundred Pounds of Tobacco,
for the Use of the Surveyor, or Person that shall be employed in
surveying and laying out a-new the said Town.

Money due
on Lots
taken up to
be recovered
by the Com-

And whereas it is suggested there are sundry Sums of Money, due
and owing to the first Commissioners nominated for said Towns,
from several Takers-up of Lots in said Towns, under the original
Laws for laying them out; Be it Enacted, That the present Com-
missioners and their Successors, or the major Part of them, may by
due Course of Law, or in any other legal Manner, in the Name of the

p. 11

said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, take, demand, re-
ceive, and recover the same, wherever any Sum of Money, by Virtue
of the original Laws for laying out said Towns, shall be found due ;
which said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, shall apply
to the Uses intended by the said original Law for laying out the said
Towns, and in no other Manner.

chases, &c.

And whereas there are several Lots within the Limits of said
Towns, and the Out-Bounds of them, untaken up, and that hereafter
may be purchased from the Proprietors of said Lands; Be it Enacted,
that all After Purchasers shall be deemed to be within said Town,
and that such After Purchasers, whether before or after the making
of this Act, shall be deemed to be within the said Town; provided
their Lots shall be within the Out-Lines of said Town; and have as
good Estate in their Lots, as if taken up, improved, and paid for,
under the original Laws erecting said Towns.

ment made
out of water

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
Improvements of what Kind soever, either Wharfs, Houses, or other
Buildings, that have, or shall be made out of the Water, or where it

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 216   View pdf image (33K)
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