214 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Session Laws
small Debts, and to be applied to the Use of the Free-School of the
County aforesaid.
Chap. IX
A Supplementary and Additional Act to the Act entituled, An Act
for erecting a Town on the North Side of Patapsco, in Baltimore
County; and for laying out in Lots sixty Acres of Land, in and
about the Place where John Fleming now lives: And to an Act
entituled, An Act for erecting a Town on a Creek divided on the
East from the Town lately laid out in Baltimore County, called
Baltimore-Town, on the Land whereon Edward Fell keeps Store.
Whereas, the Inhabitants of Baltimore and Jones's Towns, in the
County of Baltimore, have, by their humble Petition to this General
Assembly, set forth, that the said Towns are very conveniently situ-
ated in regard to the back Inhabitants, and Navigation on the Head
of the North-West Branch of Patapsco River, and only parted by
the Head of the said Branch, over which they have erected a good
Bridge, which makes a very easy Communication between them, and
P. 9
proves greatly to the Service, not only of the said Town, but Travel-
lers in general: As also that the said Towns, in regard that they are
so contiguous to each other, the same might be reduced into one
Town, by the Name of Baltimore-Town; that the several Boundaries,
which at present are not, may be well ascertained; and that Commis-
sioners may be appointed in order fully to execute this Act, and see
the said Towns carefully surveyed. And further they set forth, that
there are several Sums of Money due from Takers-up of Lots in the
said Town, in Virtue of the several Laws whereby the said Towns
were erected; and that the Commissioners to be appointed by this Act
may have Power to receive and recover the same, to be applied to
the Use of the said Town; and also that the Commissioners to be
appointed by this Act may have Succession. They further set forth,
that several Lots in the said Towns were not taken up under the
former Laws, but that some have since been purchased from the
Owners of said Towns; and that it is highly probable all the Lots
in the said Towns, not yet taken up or purchased, in a very short
Time will. Therefore they humbly pray, that such as have already
purchased, or may hereafter purchase Lots, within the original Sur-
vey of said Towns, may to all Intents and Purposes have and enjoy,
as sure and indefeasible Estates in Fee-Simple, in the said Lots so
purchased, or to be purchased, as if the said Lots had been taken up
and improved according to the Direction of the Laws that erected
the said Towns; and that all Improvements, that are or may be made
out of the Water, be secured to the Improver or Improvers, as fully
and amply, as if the same had been originally laid out within the
Bounds of the said Towns. And further they pray, that no Swine,
Sheep, or Geese may be kept or raised within said Town, unless