212 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Session Laws
Ground, that then they the said Commissioners, or the major Part
of them, are hereby authorized, impowered, and required, ten Days
at least before the Day or Days on which a Survey as aforesaid is
directed to be made, to issue a Warrant, directed unto the Sheriff
of the said County, which said Sheriff is hereby authorized and re-
quired, upon Receipt of such Warrant, to summon and impannel a
Jury of twelve substantial Freeholders, Inhabitants of the same
County, to be and appear before the said , Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, at the same Town, at a certain Day, being such
Day or Days on which the aforesaid Survey shall be made, which
Jurors, upon their Oath to them by such Commissioners, or the major
Part of them, to be administred (who are hereby required and au-
thorized to administer the same), shall enquire what Damages and
Recompense ought to be awarded to the said Proprietor or Proprie-
tors, Guardian or Guardians, as aforesaid, for all such Lots as are
not taken up and possessed by any Person or Persons, other than
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such Proprietor or Proprietors, Guardian or Guardians as aforesaid,
of the said twenty-five Acres; and the Payment of such Sum or
Sums of Money or Tobacco, as such Lot or Lots shall by the said
Jury be adjudged worth to the Proprietor or Proprietors, Guardian
or Guardians, as aforesaid, or a Tender thereof, by such Person or
Persons who shall be willing and desirous to take up such Lot or
Lots as aforesaid; and Refusal by such Proprietor or Proprietors,
Guardian or Guardians, as aforesaid, and such Payment or Tender,
and Refusal, being duly proved by the Oath of one or more lawful
Witness or Witnesses, before two Justices of the Peace for the said
County, by the said Person or Persons intending to take up the same ;
and an Entry or Record thereof made by the Town Clerk aforesaid,
and returned by him to be lodged, with the other Proceedings, in
the same County Court Office as aforesaid, shall give and make to
such Person or Persons complying with the other Requisites in this
Act mentioned, a good and indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in Fee-
Simple, to them, their Heirs, and Assigns, for ever; any Law, Statute,
Usage, or Custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Lots build
upon to be
vested in the
their Heirs
and Suc-
And be it Enacted, That all Lots hereafter to be taken up, shall be
built upon and improved, according to the before Dimensions, within
three Years after the taking up of the same; which Lots so built
upon by the Takers-up, or their Heirs, or Assigns, and paid for,
or a Tender of Payment made, as before provided, shall be the Right,
Property, and Estate, of such Person or Persons so taking up,
improving, and paying for the same, their Heirs, and Assigns, for
Time limited
for taking
up of Lots
And be it further Enacted, That all Persons minding to take up
Lots in the Town aforesaid, shall have free Liberty to take up and
enter the same for the Space of seven Years, to be computed from
the Time of making the same Survey; but in case all the Lots should