Acts. 211
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, shall, and are hereby required and impowered
to nominate and appoint some sufficient and skillful Person to be
their Clerk, who shall make a fair Record and Entry of all the Pro-
ceedings of the said Commissioners, in a sufficient Book to be by the
said Clerk provided for that Purpose, to whom the Surveyor shall,
and is hereby obliged to deliver a fair Plat of the said Lots to be
surveyed as aforesaid; which Clerk and his Successors shall trans-
mit to the Clerk of Somerset County for the Time being, the whole
Proceedings of the said Commissioners, together with the said Plat,
to be lodged amongst the County-Records; which Proceedings the
Clerk of the said County is hereby required to take charge of.
Session Laws
The Com-
to appoint
a Clerk
His Duty
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners shall,
and are hereby impowered and required to ascertain what Fee or
Fees the Surveyor aforesaid shall have, as well for his Trouble in
making the Survey aforesaid, making and returning the Plat afore-
said, finding and providing Posts, and fixing the same as aforesaid,
as for all other Services by him required and enjoined to be done by
this Act; and also what Fee or Fees the said Clerk shall have for
entering the Proceedings of them the said Commissioners; and the
several Services directed by this Act to be done; and transmit an
Account of such Fees, under their Hands, or the Hands of the major
Part of them, to the Justices of Somerset County Court; which Jus-
tices are hereby required and impowered to tax and assess the same
respective Fees in the County Levy, which shall be next laid after
such Transmission: And that upon Decease, Removal, or Resig-
nation of such Clerk as aforesaid appointed, it shall and may be law-
ful for the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, to nomi-
nate and appoint a Clerk for the said Town, and so as often as Need
shall require.
p. 6
and Clerk's
Fees to be
by the Com-
And to the End that the said Town may not be hindered in it's
Improvements, either by the Refusal of the Proprietor or Proprie-
tors of the said twenty-five Acres to sell any of the Lots therein to be
laid out as aforesaid; or under a high or unreasonable Price, by
which Means any Person may be prevented from purchasing the
same; or by some Disability or Incapacity in such Proprietor or
Proprietors, to convey the same: Be it Enacted, by the Authority,
Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to
and for the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, to treat
and agree with the Proprietor or Proprietors, Guardian or Guar-
dians of the Proprietor or Proprietors, of the said Land, not already
taken up, for the Price of the same, at any Time before the first Day
of June next ensuing; and in case they make an Agreement for the
Price with the Proprietor or Proprietors, Guardian or Guardians,
as aforesaid, that when the Lots shall be laid out, they set a Price
on each Lot not already taken up or purchased, for which the
Taker-up shall pay; but in case they cannot agree for the said
Lots refused
to be sold
by the
to be valued
by Jurors