210 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Session Laws
Settlements, nor the Ground appropriated to the Use of public Build-
ings before-mentioned.
sioners and
Duty in lay-
ing out
said Town
p. 5
And be it further Enacted, that the said Commissioners shall cause
the same Survey to be made, as near as possibly they can, agreeable
to the original Survey of the said Town, and shall cause to be set up
good substantial and durable Posts, or such other Boundaries as to
them shall seem meet, to settle and distinguish the same Survey for
ever; always having Regard as near as may be to the original Survey
thereof, and the Lots already improved and built upon, as aforesaid.
And that the Surveyor so to be chosen, as is before directed, shall,
at his own proper Cost and Charge, find and provide good substan-
tial and durable Posts, sufficient and necessary for each respective
Lot, Street, Lane, or Alley, in the said Town; and fix the said Posts
in their proper Places, with the Mark or Number of the Lot, which
Post is to ascertain the Beginning of said Lot; and likewise shall
make out fair and exact Plats of the Town aforesaid, and Survey
thereof, whereby each Lot, Street, Lane, and Alley, therein may ap-
pear to be well distinguished by their respective Numbers, and
Names, and the same Plats, with full and plain Certificates thereof,
shall deliver to the Commissioners aforesaid, or the major Part of
them, to be entered by and reposited with the Clerk of the Town
Name of
And be it further Enacted, That the same Land so surveyed, laid
out. and distinguished, shall be, and is hereby made and erected into
a Town, and shall be called by the Name of Princess Anne Town.
Lots taken
up to be
built on
Within three
Years after
the Survey
And be it further Enacted, That the Owners and Possessors of
any of the Lots already taken up in the said Town, not as yet built
upon, or that shall hereafter take up any of the said Lots, shall, and
are hereby required to erect and build upon such Lot or Lots, within
three Years after the Survey to be made as aforesaid, and a Record
thereof made and entered according to the Directions of this Act,
one House that shall cover four hundred square Feet of Ground,
with one good Brick or Stone Chimney at least; and if any such
Owner, or Owners of such Lot or Lots as aforesaid, shall neglect or
refuse to build as aforesaid, that then and in such Case, the Right,
Title, and Property of such Owner or Owners to such Lot or Lots, at
the Expiration of the said three Years, shall cease and determine,
and the Lot or Lots shall become the Property of the former Pro-
prietors. Provided, that the Owner or Owners of such Lot or Lots
be not under Age, beyond the Seas, or out of this Province, at the
Time of such Survey, and Record, and Entry, as aforesaid; in either
of which Cases, such Owner or Owners shall have the Liberty to
improve and build on the said Lot or Lots as aforesaid, at any Time
within three Years after such Owner or Owners arriving to his or
their Age of twenty-one Years, or returning into this Province.