208 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
Session Laws
p. 3
the Bounds of the Streets, Lanes, and Alleys, in the said Towns
respectively: And that the said Surveyor shall pay out of the Sum
allowed him by the former Law, for laying out the said Towns, the
several and respective Chain-carriers that have been, or shall be em-
ployed in laying out the Town or Towns aforesaid; any Law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Provided always, That the several Matters and Things, to be done
by Virtue of this Act, shall be finished and compleated at some Time
on or before the first Day of May, which shall be in the Year of our
Lord God One thousand seven hundred forty and six.
Chap. IV
A Supplementary Act to the Act entituled, An Act appointing Com-
missioners for dividing St. Mary's County into four Parishes, and
to erect that Part of All Faith and King and Queen Parish, lying
in Charles County, into a distinct Parish.
Whereas, by the said Act entituled, An Act appointing Commis-
sioners for dividing St. Mary's County into four Parishes, and to
erect that Part of All Faith and King and Queen Parish, lying in
Charles County, into a distinct Parish, made at a Session of Assem-
bly begun and held at the City of Annapolis, the first Day of May,
Anno Domini, One thousand seven hundred forty and four, among
other Things it was enacted, that the several and respective Justices
of St. Mary's County for the Time being, together with the Sheriff
and Surveyor of the same County for the Time being, were by the
same Act appointed Commissioners to execute the several Matters
and Things in the said Act appointed and directed, by a certain Day,
in the said Act mentioned. And whereas, by some Neglect the same
Act was not carried into Execution, nor the Parishes therein men-
tioned divided; for Remedy whereof,
sioners ap-
pointed for
St. Mary's
County into
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That
the Reverend Mr. Lawrence Debutts, the Reverend Mr. John Don-
aldson, Mr. Zachariah Bond, Mr. Samuel Abell, Mr. Abraham
Barnes, Mr. James Mills, Capt. John Hicks, Major George Clark,
and Mr. John Chesley, or the major Part of them, together with the
Sheriff and Surveyor of St. Mary's County for the Time being, be,
and are hereby appointed Commissioners, to carry the said first above-
mentioned Act into Execution, so far as relates to the dividing
Saint Mary's County into Parishes, in the same Manner, and to the
same Purposes, as therein is more particularly directed; and that
the same be done at some convenient Time before the first Day of
April, which shall be in the Year of our Lord God One thousand
seven hundred and forty-six: And when the said Parishes are so
divided, such Division shall be, and is hereby declared to be, as