Acts. 207
A Supplementary Act to the Act entituled, An Act to enable Com-
missioners therein named to lay out forty Acres of Land into
eighty Lots, for a Town on Indian River, in Worcester County;
as also forty Acres of Land into eighty Lots, at the Head of
Asseteague Creek, at a Place commonly called the Trap, for a
Session Laws
Chap. 111
p. 2
Whereas, it is represented to this General Assembly, that in Pur-
suance to the Directions and Authority given in the above-mentioned
Act, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of
Annapolis, the first Day of May, Anno Domini Seventeen hundred
and forty-four, the Commissioners therein named, or the major Part
of them, together with the Surveyor of Worcester County, did pro-
ceed, and actually lay out, the two Towns in the said Act mentioned,
by the Names of Baltimore-Town and Newport-Town; but that the
Surveyor of the said County, upon performing his Part of Duty,
as required and directed by the said Act, refused to stake out and
distinguish the several and respective Lots in the said Towns, or to
pay and satisfy the Chain-Carriers for their Service. And whereas,
it is further represented, that the said Town, called Baltimore-
Town, is not laid out in so commodious a Place, nor on such navi-
gable Water, as it would be, were it laid out more bending on Indian
River than at present it does.
For Remedy whereof, Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his
Lordship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly, and the Authority of the same, That Capt. John Purnell, Capt.
Parker Selby, Mr. Abraham Outten, Capt. Thomas Robins, Mr.
John Miller, Capt. Joseph Miller, and Major Samuel Hopkins, or
the major Part of them, be, and are hereby appointed Commission-
ers, and are by Virtue of this Act authorized and empowered, to-
gether with the Surveyor of the said Worcester County for the Time
being, to lay out a-new the said Town called Baltimore-Town, in
such Manner as to them the said Commissioners, or the major Part
of them, shall seem meet, so as to include within the Bounds thereof
such navigable Water as may be most conveniently situated thereto ;
and that they the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them,
shall be, and are, by Virtue of this Act, invested with the same
Powers and Authorities in laying out the said Baltimore-Town a-new,
to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes whatsoever, as the Com-
missioners were by the former Law invested with.
And be it further Enacted, That the Surveyor of Worcester
County for the Time being shall be, and he is hereby obliged, to lay
out, stake, mark, and number every Lot distinctly in the said Balti-
more-Town, when the same shall be laid out a-new by the Commis-
sioners aforesaid; as also in the Town heretofore laid out by him
called Newport-Town, in Worcester County aforesaid; as well as
Surveyor of
County to
lay out the
Lots, &c.