194 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
For Arms and Ammunition as per Invoice 1744 out of |
Col Young's Ballance | 437..4..8
For Bills of Exchange paid Mr Johnson, on Account
of the Indian Treaty, for Cash received from him, 300.. 0..0
to be paid out of Mr Ungle's Ballance
For Bills repaid the Governor for his Draught to John
Gallaway, on said Account out of Col. Young's 60.. 0..0
For Bills paid William Marsh, for attending the Com-
sioners on the said Account, out of Col. Hollyday's - 13.. 5..0
For Bills paid Edmund Jennings Esqr the Ballance of
the Commissioner's Account, out of Col. Ham- | 25.. 7..0
mond's Ballance
For Bills paid Richard Tootell, for one Years Salary
and Service, out of Col. Hollyday's Ballance 42...5..0
For Bills paid ditto, for Work done to the Powder
House, out of Col. Hollyday's Ballance 11..10..9
For Bills paid ditto his Salary, ending the 5th March
last out of Col. Young's Ballance 54..5..8
I. Ross Cl. Com. £943..18..1
Memorandum. There is due to Mr Tootell 6 months 20 Days
Salary, as Armourer, ending 25th Instant.
p. 536
Mr Samuel Hyde Dr
Bought of Isaac Scott London, May 28. 1744
PM | 100 Basket Hilt Horseman's Swords at 8/6 £42..10..0
No | The Case 0..12..0
No | 100 Ditto Ditto 42..10..0
The Case 0..12..0
50 Ditto Ditto 21..5..0
No 13 250 Buff Belts 2s 6d each 3. 5..0
The Case 0..10..0
£139.. 4..0
Invoice of Goods Shipt on Board the Baltimore, Ierningham Bigg
Master for Maryland, on the proper Account and Risque of the
Province of Maryland, and goes consign'd to said Ross, viz.
PM Guns 240 &a Brazier £188..19..0
No 126 Powder and Ball Roberts 81.. 3..4
Swords as above. Scott 139.. 4..0
£409.. 6.4