The Lower House. 193
Your Committee having likewise inspected the last Report made
by a former Committee, on the first of June 1744, and the Paper
hereunto annexed, signed by Mr John Ross, do find by the said Re-
port, the Treasurer's Accounts, and said Paper, the following Bal-
lances unapplied, viz.
In the Hands of Samuel Hyde and Company, re- £ s d
mitted by Samuel Young Esqr late Treasurer 184.. 16.. 0
of the Western Shore
In said Young's Executors Hands £34.. 13...73/4 Gold, & 0..18.. 3
In the Hands of Samuel Hyde, remitted by Robert | 34...8..8 1/2
Ungle Esq. late Treasurer of the Eastern Shore
In the Hands of said Hyde, the Ballance of
£529..6..io Sterling, paid the Honourable | 157.. 18.. 8
Samuel Ogle Esq. to purchase Arms &ca
In the Hands of said Hyde transmitted by Col. |
Charles Hammond 210..13.. 0
In the Hands of Col. James Holly day 10.. 14..11 3/4
£34.. 13..7 3/4 Gold & 599.. 10.. 1 1/4
L.H. J.
Liber No. 46
Your Committee having also inspected a Report made by the Con-
ferrees of the Lower House of Assembly, bearing date the 29th of
July 1740, take leave to mention Part thereof, viz.
That we find in the year 1719, an Order of Governor and Council
to Col. Richard Tilghman, for £187.. 13..6 sterling, to purchase Arms
for the use of the Province, from Richard Bennett Esqr and Com-
pany; upon which Order another appears to be drawn by the said
Col. Richard Tilghman for the above Sum of £187..13..6 on Robert
Ungle Esq. Treasurer of the Eastern Shore, for which the said
Ungle, in his Account, charges the Publick in 1720.
Your Conferrees further find by the Council Proceedings that in
the year 1729, Mr Bennett appeared before the then Governor and
Council, and produced the above Order, and deposed that he had not
received the above Sum of money, or any Part of it; or any Thing
in Satisfaction thereof, upon which it appears that another Order
issued to the said Bennett, drawn on Col. Samuel Young, for the
aforesaid sum of £187..13..6, by which it is conceived that the Pub-
lick has been twice charged for one and the same Sum, tho' it ap-
pears by the Oath of the said Bennett, not to have been paid him by
Mr Ungle.
All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Hon-
ourable House. Signed per Order. Thomas Jennings Cl. Com.
The following Disbursments are made since June 1744, out of
the Three Pence for Arms.