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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 179
For the Negative

L. H. J.

Mr Carroll Mr Mackall Mr John Hall
p. Hammond Smallwood Buchanan
Worthington W. Wilkinson Wootton
Hen. Hall N. Goldsborough Sprigg
Smith Lloyd Addison
Brome Paca Bordley

Liber No. 46

The aforesaid Ingrossed Bill was sent to the Upper House, with
the Paper Bill, by Mr Pemberton and Mr Bond.

Mr Speaker communicates to the House the following Message
from the Governor, viz.

Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
As we are now in a fair way of Proceeding, for the Ease, Quiet
and Happiness of the whole Province, I hope you will not forget
that a Fund is wanting, and necessary to be provided, for Arms
and Ammunition. This I most earnestly recommend to your Con-
sideration, as it is a matter which so nearly concerns the Safety
of us all, at a Time when we have repeated Advices and Alarms
of Invasions and hostile Attempts on our Northern Neighbours,
which may very possibly in some Shape or another reach ourselves.
T. Bladen

Which being read, Ordered that an Address be prepared in Answer
An Address to his Excellency being prepared, was read, approved
of, and ordered to be ingrossed.
Mr Wootton delivers Mr Speaker a Bill entituled, An Act to direct
and impower the Clerk of Prince George's County, to enter and
record amongst the Records of the said County, a Deed of Bargain
and Sale from John Nevil, William Collier, and Thomas Bond to
John Boyd for a Tract of Land therein mentioned: Which Bill was
read the first and second Time by especial Order, and will pass.
The following Ingrossed Address, viz.
To his Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqr Governor of Maryland.
The humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Excellency,

It is with Pleasure we find our Selves in such a fair way of Pro-
ceeding, as to give us Hopes of obtaining the Quiet of the good
People of this Province. But as this Session has continued much
longer than usual, we cannot agree to enter upon any Consideration
touching raising a Fund for Arms and Ammunition; and must there-
fore recommend, that your Excellency and the Council may apply
the sum already raised for that Purpose in making such Provision


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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