L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
Coventry Parish in Somerset and Worcester Counties, praying that
a Bill may be brought in to assess the Inhabitants of the said Parish
for the building a Chapel &a
A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Upper Part of King George
Parish in Prince George's County, praying that a Bill may be brought
in for the Building a Chapel in the Town of Bladensburg :
And a Petition of the Free holders and Inhabitants of the Town
of Cambridge in Dorchester County, praying an Act to prevent the
raising of Swine and Geese in the said Town :
Which Petitions were thus severally indorsed, Read and referred
to the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly.
Signed per Order I. Ross Ci. Up. Ho.
The House adjourns 'til To morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
August 29
Thursday Morning August 29. 1745.
The House met according to Adjournment, and the Proceedings
of Yesterday were read
The Petition of sundry the Inhabitants of the Upper Part of
Coventry Parish in Somerset and Worcester Counties, read, and
referred to the Consideration of the next Session of Assembly.
Mr Goldsborough from the Committee of Aggrievances, and
Courts of Justice, delivers Mr Speaker the following Report viz.
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice,
August 28. 1745
Your Committee having received Information by sundry Persons,
that a certain William Fowler, of Calvert County, Planter, did on
the Ist Day of September, Anno Domini 1742, pass his note in Writ-
ing to a certain James Weems, Gentleman, for the Sum of 485
pounds of Tobacco, which said Note the aforesaid James Weems
did deliver unto Mr Thomas Ireland, one of the Magistrates of said
County, in order to satisfy a Tobacco Debt then due and owing from
the said Weems to the aforesaid Thomas Ireland.
Your Committee further takes leave to inform your Honourable
House, that altho' sometime after the Receipt of the Note aforesaid,
the said William Fowler did satisfy and pay the sum of 306 Pounds
of Tobacco to the Reverend James Williamson by the Order of the
said Ireland, in Part of the Note aforesaid; nevertheless the said
Thomas Ireland did afterwards grant a Warrant against the said
William Fowler, directed to the Constable of the Hundred, by Virtue
of which warrant the said William Fowler was carried before the
said Thomas Ireland, who gave Judgment against the said William
Fowler for the whole Sum of 485 pounds of Tobacco mentioned in
the note aforesaid, and Costs, without regarding the said Sum of