Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Bill entituled, An Act for the Trial of all matters of Fact in
the several Counties where they have arisen or shall arise, Read the
second Time, passed, and sent to the Upper House by Capt. Ennalls
and Capt Harrison.
Col. Plater from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker the fol-
lowing Message, (See page 23)
Which being read, the following Message was prepared, (See
page 24)
And sent to the Upper House by Mr Wootton and Mr Bond.
On Motion of a Member, that a Bill be brought in for laying an
Imposition on Tobacco for the Discharge of his Lordship's Quit
Rents, and support of Government: Leave given, and Ordered, that
the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in the same.
The House taking into Consideration that Part of the Report
from the Committee of Elections and Privileges, which relates to
Mr Mills, a Member returned for St. Mary's County.
A Question was put, Whether a Sheriff hath a Right to vote in an
Election where he sits as a Judge: Resolved in the Negative
L. H. J.
Liber No. 46