L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
or Lines, Course or Courses, from the said two Miles above the
Fork to the outermost Inhabitant or Settlement, as shall include
every Settlement and Inhabitant of Maryland, and from thence by a
North Line to the Bounds of the Province of Pennsylvania, shall be
deemed and construed the Limits intended by these Presents; any
Thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
And the said Sachems or Chiefs do hereby, on Behalf of the said
six United nations, declare their Consent and Agreement to be, that
every Person or Persons whatsoever, who now is, or shall be here-
after, setled or seated in any Part of the said Province, so as to be
out of the Limits aforesaid, shall nevertheless continue in their
peaceable Possessions free and undistuibed, and be esteemed as
Brethren by the said Six nations. In Witness whereof the said
Sachems or Chiefs, for themselves, and on Behalf of the People of
the Six Nations aforesaid, have hereunto set their Hands and Seals
the Thirtieth Day of June, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Forty four.
Signed, Sealed, and delivered in the Presence of