January 8
your Officers than they can be otherways procured. It was at his re-
quest that I look'd into these Goods he having understood that your
Council wou'd want, etc If this should be the case I shall readily do
any thing that you may require here as the weather is such that I can-
not be able to get from hence before Wednesday Morning, if so soon,
I am uneasy for fear I may be wanted at Annp Capt. Marbury by
whom this goes can inform you the situation of our Troops, near 70
men has been discharged from my Regt thro the course of last week
& from the Present distresses of the Army I am fearfull few of them
will reinlist & such as does will enter the Pennsylvania Line, as their
soldiers who lays at one end of Ours has been sometime Passed
regularly furnished with rum & other Necessaries. The officers who
have come down informs me that the Line expected Stores there
to be Issued on the 1st day of Janry & that the Contl Commissaries
have no Spirit at all. Capt Keeport will meet with difficulty in getting
waggons he writes his Excellency by this opportunity I am with
great respect Sir Your Obedt Servt
January 8
[Sam Smith, Balt, to His Excellcy Thos Sim Lee Esqr]
Sir I did myself the Honor of writing your Excelly by Mr Knox,
since which Mr W. Smith the French Agent has shew'd me a Letter
from your Excelly from which I conclude the flour Bot by me for the
State of Virga will also be seiz'd. Mr Buchanan forwards a Letter
from the Commissary General by which it appears that the imme-
diate wants of the Camp are supplied & that the flour will most be
wanted here; If your Excelly should draw the same Inference I
flatter myself you will favor me with a general order to prevent the
seizure of the flour Bot by me for Virginia, now in the difF parts
of the State or at least for what I may have in this County. I Have
not purchas'd more than 1600 Bbles, my Permit is for 2000 This
I will make Appear if you think Necessary
January 8
Red Book
No. 30
No. 18
Geo. p. Keeports Baltimore to Gov Lee]
May It Please Your Excellency I am Sorry its not in my Power
to Give a more Satisfactory Acct of my Success Getting Waggons
I Try'd all About Town but Cannot get one Waggon by Perswasion
only the Commissioners have Press'd all the Waggons in Town and
in the Neighbourhood for Conveying Flour to Susquehannah So
that I am at a Loss what too do to Procure Waggons Without hav-
ing Authority for Pressing. I am Just going out in the County to
Try Again but have Little Hope of Success I Apply'd to the Comis-
sioners for Authority for Pressing Waggons for this Purpose but
they say they have no such Authority and have Refused me Any As-