[Henry Lee Junr Ma. Com. Md. to the Delegates from the State of
Maryland in Congress, Philadelphia]
Gentlemen I have the honor of your let. of the 24th I am sorry
that any previous Steps are necessary for the completion of my
request. The season of the year is rigerous, the gentlemen desti-
tute of cloathing & their brother officers from Virginia comfortably
This latter circumstance must wound the feelings of men of equal
merit & whose claim of attention from their country has the same
A general return of my corps agreeable to a late resolution of
Congress has been for some time past lodged with the board of
Captain McLane has directed me to make an extract of the Mary-
land officers & soldiers & to present it
Book No. 8
No. 19
[Uriah Forrest, Baltimore Town to Mr. Carroll]
Dear Sir inclosed is a sample of the Cloth you requested. I've
examined the Stores here relative to Cloths Linens &ca & find that
Dorsey, Hammond & Steward, have an Assortment in which there
is a Sufficient quantity of Blue Broad Cloth to Coate the whole of
the Officers, there is several Pieces of coarse Blue and White that
wou'd answer well for the Soldiery, about one half is of other
Colours & they will not sell any part without the whole, I have
no doubt but it wou'd satisfy the Officers to take the Cold for Wais-
coats & Breeches, to these Cloths is tacked a parcell of Shalloons
but as the quantity will be more than necessary in making up the
Cloaths, the Owners will agree to keep one half wch will not leave
for sale more than sufP as they are all white & blue, the Colours
that will be wanting, they have also four very large Bolts of Baze
which I apprehend woud answer for Blanketts, by having it doubled,
it is 8/4 wide & would only come to 60 £ a blankett at 100 s. upon
the Livre the price they ask for the Goods, I am induced to take the
liberty of suggesting this mode of procuring Blanketts, from the
distressed Situation the Troops are represented to be in, not more
than one blanket to four Men; the fine Cloth will be about 75 £ a
yard. Col. Dorsey talks of going to Anna3 in which case he will
offer the Council these Goods, I do not think it is probable that such
a parcell of Blue will readily be met with again on so good terms.
Mr Hudson who has the management of this Spanish Cargoe has a
few ps of coarse blue Cloth. He has also a parcel of ready made
Shirts of pretty good quality at £30, he has every kind of Linen,
for which he asks £6 for the Livre, but I believe wou'd take some-
thing lower for the fine, he has likewise low Priced Cambricks,
stockings and a fine Parcel of Hatts that wou'd come much lower for
January 8