January 3
[Sam Smith Balt to His Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Sir I Had the Honor to receive your Excellys favor of the 24th
Ult. & Note its Contents. The Terms I propos'd were first one Half
for carrying the other, this I will give myself in Tobacco, the other
are the same as given by the French & few Vessells have heretofore
offer'd even at that, The low price of Tobacco in the West Indies at
this Time is the Reason why Vessells are now to be had with less
difficulty. I do not understand how, I, who am only the Carryer can
be at Liberty when Connected with the Public to ship flour, (the
article, I presume, which Bears the Best Price) , if you permit me to
be a Shipper it would make a difference in my Demands altho that
article has certainly fallen very much on all the Islands. In St
Eustatius it sold by last accot for 8 Dolls p Bble in Cape Francois
(the very Best Markett) at gd @ 120 Livres p Bl equal to £4..10..5
this Curry The Severe weather has prevented us from loading, if
your Excelly will inform me your Terms you propose to allow I
will be glad to accept them, if not at too great Disadvantage, I
shall be glad you would inform me as soon as possible I also expect
a very fine Schooner from Virga every Day, which if the Terms
fails I would put into the Public service
I am inform'd that a Law has pass'd the House to seize on all
flour without making any provision for public purchases, your Ex-
celly recollects that I had permission to purchase for the State of
Virga a part of which I Have in warehouse some in the Mills & some
in the farmers Hands, I should be glad to know whether the Law
can mean that this flour is to be seiz'd & the State of Virga to take
Certificates, for Payment, is not the faith of the State pledg'd for
the Export, I shall be glad to be inform'd by your Excelly (from
whom my Permit is how to act, it will be an easy Mode for the
Commissioners to provide for the Army by seizing Mr W. Smith &
my purchases, if necessary I would preferr Sending, indeed on being
properly secur'd I would have no Objection to Send.
January 5
Red Book
No. S
No. 95
[Geo Plater & James Forbes Philadelphia to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Sir Since our last addressed to your Excellency we are favor'd
with the inclosed from Maj. Lee which we take the liberty to forward
by General Smallwood, who will give every Information relative to
the Subject.
p. S. The Troops sailed from N. York by the last Intelligence
are six british Regiments, the Grenadiers & light Infantry of the
Army, Rawdon's Corps, the Legion, the Queen Rangers, & Hessian
Grenadiers making about five thousand effectives.