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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council. 397

without exception such flour as may be found. And as I have a
quantity of wheat & flour purchased for the Marine of France, I
would be obligd to your Excelly & the Council for information on
this head, as I have understood the commiss" are of oppinion this
flour comes within the Law, and I would Just beg leave to observe
that several Vessells are chartered to Carry the provisions in my
possession to the fleet. And some transports are dayly lookd for
from the West Indies for the same purpose. I have taken the liberty
to mention this matter, as I observe the comrs are under the direction
of the Govr & Council

January 3

[J. Gunby Camp near Morris Town to Col Forrest]

Dr Forrest From our present Arrangement of Field Officers I
have the Honour to claim you as Lieut Colonel to the 7th Regiment
and shall have you muster 'd accordingly, the bearer of this Serjeant
Enoch McLane, I beg leave to Recommend as an honest fine Lad,
and send him to you for the purpose of a Recruiting Serjeant, to
be continued as long as you may think proper, or while recall'd and
to receive your orders & directions for the Execution of that busi-
ness, Capt Beatty is ordered to Frederick Town with a Drum & fife,
and Capt Lieut Beall to George Town, as Recruiting officers; Ser-
jeants David Green Robert Green and Robert Yates, of the seventh
Regiment, are Recommended for Commissions in said Regiment;
and will Apply to you for your Instructions, and Assistance, in the
Recruiting Business, Please have Money drawn for that purpose,
& give them your orders, Your Interest I am well convinced will
tend much to the Promotion of the Regiment; if Cloathing is to be
had in the State, be as Early as you can in drawing for the Recruits,
of the Regiment, if Captain Beatty & Beall could have Clothing
drawn for them, and in readiness, that as soon as a man Enlists,
Scour him up, shave his face, put a new Suit of Cloaths on him,
powder his head, and make a Gentleman of them, as soon as they
become Soldiers, it would be a great Inducement for their Misting
& I am Confident there would not be half so many Desertions, with
Recruits in the State, that heretofore have been, I have the Pleasure
to Inform you that Excepting the 3d the 7th is the Strongest Regi-
ment in the Maryland Line & flatter myself that with your Assis-
tance it will soon be the Strongest & best in the Line, as we have
few good Serjeants now left in the Regiment, would be glad of your
endeavours to have some Enlisted, which are qualified to fill the
places of those who are promoted; the news of Camp Refer you to
Genl Smallwood, & Capt. Jones & believe me Dear Forrest to be
with every Sentiment of Respect and Esteem. Your sincere Friend
& most Obedt Hble Servt

January 3

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)
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