372 Journal and Correspondence.
Red Book
No. 22
transact, any favors of this sort from your Excelly will be con-
ferring an obligation on Your Excellys Mo Obedt Servt
NB. I inclose you the Qr Master of York's Recl for 37 Bbles
flour which I flatter myself will do to Cancell my Bond, if so pray
send orders p Bearer
[H. Hollingsworth D. Q. M. G. Head of Elk to His Excellency,
the Governor in Council]
Dear Sir by Express from the Board of war and Q. M. G. I am
requested to prepare twenty good bay Craft for the transporting a
number of Troops from this place to join our Southern Army as
soon as possible, as that quantity of craft can't be had imediately
hear. I have thought it most advisable to send to Baltimore and
least I should fail then apply to your Excellency in Council, for
such of the State Boats, or other craft as can be procured: I need
not mention that business requires secrecy and the utmost dispatch,
all the water Casks that can be had at any rate will be wanted, as we
have none here, the craft that comes from Annapolis and Baltimore
must bring all that can possibly be had. I expect the troops hear
by the first of next week or middle at furthest
Red Book
No. 25
No. 41
[Jere. Banning Na. Offr 7th Dist, Talbot, to His Excellency
Thos Sim Lee]
May it please your Excellency
In my clearing out vessels from this Part, there hath been one
application only for an extra quantity of provisions for hands in-
tended to be shiped abroad, this I have permitted, but whether I
am right in so doing am at a loss to know, therefore beg you will
instruct me therein. I forgot to mention, That the vessel is intended
to be fitted out as a Ship of War in the West Indies.
[Jas Calhoun D. Q. M. G'l, Baltimore, to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Sir I this moment recd a Letter from Colo Hollingsworth p
bearer informing me that a number of Craft would be wanted at the
Head of Elk immediately for the transportation of Troops to the
Southward and as I am apprehensive it will be impossible to get
many without impressing must therefore request an Order from
Your Excellency and Council for that purpose by this Express
I yesterday recd a Letter from the Board of War informing me
that a number of sick and wounded French Troops would be sent to
Baltimore for their recovery and Doctr Bond is come down to make
provision for their reception we will be very hard pushed to find
places for their accomodation & will be under the necessity of apply-
ing to Your Excellency & Council for those Barracks at the Fort