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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 371   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council. 27 l

real, and if the remedy should be eronious 'tis my mistake, which
I am emboldend to ocer from your former indulgencies

[Richard Graves to Gov. Lee]

[Asks pass for Col. Chalmers's lady. Graves has not met Lee.
Her eldest son is about to leave New York for England for edu-
cation and she wishes to see him and her husband in New York.
Last Fall she had a pass from the Council of Safety of Philadelphia
to go to New York and went to Elizabethtown with Mr. Lewis,
who was a member of Congress, but returned thence, having learned
that the Colonel had embarked for the West Indies. She is a " Lady
of Fortune " and has " since the absence of her husband conducted
herself in such a manner as to endear herself to all those with whom
she hath been acquainted."]


[Chas. Thomson Secry, Secretary's Office to Gov. Lee]

Sir I take the liberty of transmitting you a duplicate of an Act
of Congress passed the 16th March 1778 the utility of which is
apparent: And as it may be proper and necessary that you should
be informed of the several acts and proceedings of Congress, I have
herewith sent you a copy of their Journal from the first of January
last, and shall continue to send you from time to time their weekly
publications. On the other hand as a communication of your acts
may be advantageous, and lodging them in this office for the informa-
tion of the delegates of the other States beneficial to the union, and
tend to facilitate the transmitting to prosperity the use and progress
of these infant States, I take the liberty of requesting you to trans-
mit to this office a copy of the constitution or form of government
adopted by your State upon the declaration of Independance, and of
all the public acts passed by your legislation since that period. If you
can add any pamphlets or documents relative to the controversy
and revolution, they shall be carefully deposited and preserved, and
thereby you may do an acceptable service to posterity and oblige
Sir Your very humble Servant



Red Book
No. 8
No. 90

[Sam Smith Balt to Gov. Lee]

Sir Permit me to Congratulate you, on proper Respect being
paid to your Merit, in your late promotion,, may your first years
Government be made memorable by a peace with Great Britain.
The Sloop Molly Capt Peregrine Dunk goes this Day to Joppa
to lade with flour for the State of Virginia, I beg your Excellys per-
mit to Clear her out. I mcniiuiied to the late Governor, the Expences
attending the sending to Annapolis for a permit to every Vessell,
if it could be dispens'd with, I should be much oblig'd .....any Mer-
cantile Business the State may have occasion for, I shall be glad to


Red Book

No. 22

No. 39
Liber C C

No. 22

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 371   View pdf image (33K)
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