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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 373   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council. 373

& probably for further assistance in this matter but as I am not fully
posted of what will be necessary to know of this Subject shall defer
writing fully until I have a further conference with Doctr Bond in
the mean time am in the greatest hurry Your Excellency Most
ObedObedt Hble Servt


[Jno Bolton, Chestertown, to His Excellency, Thomas Sim Lee]

Sir At the request of Thomas Johnson Esqr our late Governor
I have furnished the Recruiting Parties belonging to this State with
Provisions, for which I am abligd to pay the ready Cash out of
my own Pockett; this I have continued to do most of the time since
the Commencement of the War, I was in the Year 1777 in advance
for the State above two thousand Pounds, above one half of which
I lay out of more than a Year & then had it paid to me in Loan
Office Certificates, which prevented my supplying my Store with
Goods to carry on my Business, but that was not my greatest Loss,
the Depretiation of the money was a much greater, & that is now so

rapid that I thinli it ie nececoary I ohould cither be furnished by the

State with Money to Purchase, or Provisions to serve the Soldiers,
or must beg leave to decline serving them any longer. On Seiling
my accol in August last I was near thirteen hundred Pounds in
Advance, which tho it was but a few months arising yet the Depritia-
tion was so great that it sunk a great part of the Vallue.
I have since that time advanced near five hundred Pounds & that
is daily increasing & my Wages since that time will not bear my
Expences to Annapolis to settle my Accots & the longer I lay out
of the money the more it depreciates; I must therefore intreat you
will either get some other person appointed to Issue Provisions to
the Soldiers, or supply me with money to buy, or direct the Com-
issary General to supply me with Provisions for that purpose either
of which will oblige Sir Your most hble Servt

Red Book
No. 25
No. 42

[C. Downes to William Bruff, Esqr Annapolis]

At the Request of the Court The Court rec'd a Comm of the
Peace for the County also one for the Orphan's Court, both came
to hand open & unsealed, a few Days ago, And as the Court Ap-
prehend a mistake must be in the Omitting the name of one of their
Brethren in the Comm of the Peace for the County Col (Mr Cleml
Sewell) whereby they think the Public is injured, and him much
insulted, and are of Opinion that his Excellency has been much
imposed upon in the recommendation, we also Apprehend that
another mistake is made in respect to Mr Chas. Price, who we think
is named instead of Mr Jas. Price Kt. Island, as its absolutely
necessary there should be two Justices on the Island, And as they
think the emergency of business for the Public welfare make it neces-
sary for another Magistrate in the the upper Part of the County, as


Red Book
No. 25
No. 76

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 373   View pdf image (33K)
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