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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 365   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council, 365

yesterday authentic information was received by Congress, that
the Count was going directly to the West Indies, after an unsuc-
cessful Attempt to capture the British army in Georgia. The powder
& lead therefore of which we requested the loan will not now be
wanted; and should they have been ordered on, we request they may
be stopped & returned into your magazines: Indeed from your
Excellency's letter of the 22d ulto it seems there was but little pros-
pect of your being able to supply the ammunition requested.
We are extremely sorry that the trouble we gave your Excellency
in ordering out a militia guard proved fruitless: but till very lately
it was not in our power to send off the prisoners, from the want
of an escort; and just at the time when one was ready a letter from
Colo Rawlings informed us that the militia guard at fort Frederick
being very disorderly (probably from having nothing to do) he
had discharged them. Nevertheless, as it will be very inconvenient
to supply so great a number of prisoners in this place with wood
and provisions & from the continual accessions by captures at Sea
very difficult to secure them, we are still of opinion that at least
four hundred should be sent to fort Frederick. We accordingly
wrote to Colo Rawlings, desiring him to take the necessary measures
for procuring another guard, either by inlistment for a year, or from
the militia, giving us timely notice when he judges they may be
ready, that we may send on the prisoners in Season. We beg leave
once more to ask your Excellency's interposition to furnish the
guard now requested.
We have the honour to be with the greatest respect Your Excel-
lency's most Obedt Servants By order of the board

Red Book
No. 24

[Henry Schnebely, Hagerstown, to the Council]
Yours of the 17th Oct came to hand the 30th at which time I had
purchased the Waggons horses & ca as appears by my Acct rendered
you by Mr Williams, I have borrowed 23 yds Linen from Colo
Shryock for makg a few Bags Necessary for the Waggons but as he
has none but what was purchased under the Direction of Mr Cal-
hoon for the Contl use he will not deliver any to your order which
Intimates a Distinction between State & Continental, I have de-
livered to Colo Rawlings one Waggon, five horses & Harness, all the
flower I have obtained will not amount to more than four Loads part
of which Lays at Mills which cannot grind for want of water. I have
Consulted Col. Rawlings who thinks it improper to send any of the
tax flour, the approaching Season makes it necessary to provide
Stabling more hay, Straw, grain & Many other Articles for the
horses I have on hand which requires more Attention to that busi-
ness than I am able to give therefore must request you will direct me
where to deliver them as I have been obliged for Conven6 of Pas-
turage & hay to keep them a Considerable distance from my own


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 365   View pdf image (33K)
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