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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 366   View pdf image (33K)
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366 Journal and Correspondence.


house which makes the care of them very troublesome, without
proper notice they will soon become useless, People are daily asking
for Money, therefore earnestly request you'll put it in my power
(p Mr Williams) to Comply with my promises to the people from
whom I have purchased, I believe a few might except of the new
Bills perhaps I cod pass to the amount of 5 or 6000 £ Continentl I
hope you'll endeavour to order the teams & Waggons out of my
hands as soon as possible the Commissary here will not Issue any
provision to Waggoners which makes it difficult to get any person
to feed & Attend the horses.


Liber C C

No. 22

p. 39

[John Randall Baltimore to Gov. Lee]

Sir Inclosed is a letter from Mr Faw on the Subject of Cloathing
I beg leave to enter a protest Agst. his making any more Shirts
of the Oznabrigs mentioned those lent are so very bad I am asham'd
& afraid to take them to Camp.
Col Smith and Mr Jefferies, has a quantity of Coarse Cloths &
Blankets, they promis'd Col Forrest the State should have the
Refusal and will keep them till they hear from you. I've exam'd
them and think them too great a Bargain to be Missed in our present
necessitous State, there are upwards of 100 extraordinary good
Blankets from £ 40 to 50 £ some more of the Cloth than we want
(to make up the deficiency in Overalls and the Socks but immagine
You'll not Object to its being purchased on that Accot as the whole
must go together. I wait here for an Answer, Capt Cromwell who
has seen the goods) wil inform you further respecting them
p. S. everything will be on Board the Plater early Tomorrow.
She will be quite full the Cloth and Blankets (if purchas'd) mus;
go at another Trip


[John Randall, Baltimore, to Col. Forrest]

Sir Inclos'd is the bills (you wrote of) for the Cloth, with Re-
ceipts for the payment of the money on each.
Col. Smith's Cloth has arriv'd he has reserved It for more than a
week past for the State, likewise a quantity of Blankets, he offers
them reasonable I could wish the State would take them. I've wrote
the Govr on the Subject mentioned the prices and wait for an

Mr Faw has sent a parcel of oznabrig Shirts, the worst I ever
saw and has not sent me the price, I wish you'd beg of the Govr
not to let him go on making such vile things I am Really ashamd
to take them up.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 366   View pdf image (33K)
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