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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 364   View pdf image (33K)
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364 Journal and Correspondence.


I Have his Effects in my Hand which I shall dispose of agreeable
to the Articles of War in Like Cases. I am in hopes I shall be able
to obtain a furlough at the Close of the Present Campaign in order
to come to Annapolis & settle his Accts
We Receivd our Commissions from Congress as an Independent
Company, the other two Companies are ordered to Colo Harrisons
Regt and the officers have taken their Rise in it my Reason for
mentioning it to your Excellency is that I think from those Circum-
stances, I am Justly Entitled to the Late Capt. Gales.
I am Sir with due Respect Your Excellencys most obl Servt

Red Book
No. 24
No. 9

[Lnd Weltner Lt. Colo. Commandt G. Regt, Sunbury to His
Excellency Thomas Johnston]

Dear Sir I make bold to Trouble your Excellency, with an
Order, for the money allowed to the officers of the State by the
hands of Capt. Baltzell, which I have Certified, as we lay such a
distance from the army, I thought proper to send for the same, a few
days ago one of my officers arrived at this place from a Command
from Wyaleusing who informs me that he made not the least dis-
covery of the Savages being there, which makes me believe that
our Frontiers may rest secure, one man found dead near Muncy
hill, but, believe him to be Killed by some Villain.

Red Book
No. 24
No. 10

This may Certify that we the Subscribers officers of the German
Regmt belonging to the State of Maryland have not Recd any part,
or parcel of the Money allowed to us by the State, Neither have we
given any Order to any person, or persons Whatsoever, we therefore
Empower Captn Charles Baltzell to receive the same for us allowed
by the State.

Charles .Baltzel, Capt. Jacob Gromett, Lieut
Christ. Myers, Capt. David Morgan, Lient
Michl Bayer, Capt. Jacob Raybold, Ensign
Martin Shugart, Lt Alexr Smith, Surgeons Mate.

Sunsbury, to his Excellency the Governor of Maryland
I do hereby Certify that the above Subscribers are officers of the
State of Maryland and declare upon Honour, that they have not
recevd any part of the Money allowed, by the State to the best of
my Knowledge
Lnd. Weltner Lt. Colo Commandl G. Regmt

Red Book
No. 24
No. 57

[Tim Pickering, War Office, to his Excellency Govr. Johnson]

Sir We had the honour of writing to you by Major French,
requesting a loan of powder & lead. The ground of that application
was the expected arrival of Count d'Estaing to cooperate with the
Army of the United States in the reduction of New York. But

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 364   View pdf image (33K)
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