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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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330 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C B
No. 23
p. 213

Ordered That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Lieut Saml Han-
son of the Regt Extra 9 h Coffee deficiency of Stores to the 1st Inst,
and also to Capt. William Middleton of the State Boat Dolphin 2

rations p Day for himself and one Ration for each of the Hands
employed to navigate the said Boat.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt William Beatty
14 Coats, 36 Jackets 1 pr Breeches, 10 pr Overalls, 12 Shirts 85 pr
Stockings, 15 pr Shoes, 15 hats 85 Blankets, to be delivered over
to the Soldiers in the Maryland Line and to be by him accounted for
to the said Commy
That the Armourer deliver to Capt. Benjamin Williams 45 Mus-
kets complete with Accoutrements, 12 Boarding Pikes & 6 Cutlasses
to be delivered over to Richard Barnes Esqr Lieut, of St Marys
Commission issued to Benjamin Williams appointed Captain of the
Barge called the Independence.
The Council have this Day agreed with Capt. William Middleton
to command the State Boat Dolphin for six Months on the following
Terms £ 9 hard money at the Exchange, 2 Gallons Rum f 1 Bohea
Tea, Sis Bro. Sugar and 4^ Is Coffee p month and 2 rations p Day.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer deliver to John Dorsey
& Co. 94 hlids Tubaixu weighing 88,997 ^ a 5o£ "P hund. and 4 p
Cent amounting to forty six thousand two hundred and seventy eight
pounds, ten shillings which this Board have sold them
That John Bullen Esqr Quarter Mastr deliver to Colo Alexander
Lawson Smith of the Regimt Extra 1 Covered Ammunition Waggon
to be charged to the Continent
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Garreguies a
Recruit enlisted for the 8th Regimt fourteen Pounds, one shilling
and three pence of the new Emission in lieu of one thousand five
hundred Dollars part of the Bounty engaged to be given him by
Richard Dallam Lieut of Harford County as appears by his Letter
to this Board of the 15th Inst to be charged to the said Richard

That the said Treasurer pay to Monica Clifford eight Pounds,
three shillings and one penny half penny of the new Emission in lieu
of three hundred and Twenty six Pounds five shillings due p Acct
passed by the Depy Aud.

Liber C C

No. 22

p. 198

[Council to Colo. Alexr L. Smith]

Sir We request you will prepare to march agreeable to the Route
fixed by the Board as soon as possible. Tt will be necessary that a
sufficient Number of Officers should remain in this City to take

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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