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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 329   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 329

Purpose, has prompted us to send a Flag to New York with Neces-
saries and to solicit your Assistance Joshua Loring Esqr Commissary
of Prisoners, in his Letter to Colo Ramsay, says, the Commanding
Officer in New York will admit of our sending only such Supplies
as will be necessary for the immediate Use of the Officers, but he can-
not think of allowing any Kind of Traffic. This Permission, though
not soe extensive as we wish enables us to afford Relief to our Offi-
cers from Time to Time. We request you to engage such a Vessel as
you esteem suitable for that Purpose, as speedily as possible and that
you would purchase 4 thousand Pounds of Bacon or Pork; if you
think you cannot procure it immediately, inform us as soon as you
can, and what Expectation you have of Success, We prepose to send,
besides the Bacon 66 Barrels of Flour, some Rum, Sugar Coffee and
Tea and shall have £100 Gold to distribute amongst the Officers,
Mrs. Chamier having engaged to pay that Sum in New York to our

[Council to Mr. Thomas Donellan]

Sir We received yours of the 13th Inst When we directed you to
forward the Flour, it was not our Intention that such as was not fit
for the use of the Army should be sent, but, that you should observe
our former Instructions on that Head.

Liber C C
No. 22

Monday 16th October 1780

Present as on Saturday.

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. Samuel M.
Lane, three Pounds, eighteen shillings and five pence of the New
Emission in lieu of one hundred and fifty six Pounds, seventeen shil-
lings and six Pence due him p Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to William Worthington Ten
Pounds, two shillings and six pence of the new Emission in lieu of
Four hundred and five Pounds due him p Acct passed by A. Gl.
That the said Treasurer pay to Lt Samuel Hanson of the Regl
Extra six Pounds, nine shillings and six pence of the new Emission
in lieu of Two hundred and Fifty nine Pounds due him p Acct passed
by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Alexr C. Hanson Esqr Fifty six
Pounds five shillings of the new Emission on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Sprigg Esqr seven Pounds,
ten shillings of the new Emission to be paid over to John Crisall on
That the said Treasurer pay to Colo Peter Adams three hundred
and forty six Doll™ & three fourths of a Dollar of the new Emission
to be paid over to John Randall Corrry of Cloathing on Acct

October 16
Liber C B
No. 23

p. 212

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 329   View pdf image (33K)
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