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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 331   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 331

Charge of the Deserters that may be brought in, and these in the
Hospitals, as well as to forward any Cloathing which may be

Liber C C
No. 22

Tuesday 17th October 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Armourer deliver to Capt. William Middleton
what Oakum Tar and Rigging he may want from time to time for
the use of the Dolphin.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to J. Langden one thousand
three hundred and ninety five Pounds to be delivered over to Robt L.
Hooe due him p Acct passed by the A. Gl
That the said Treasurer pay to Jennetta May five Dollars of the
new Emission in lieu of seventy five Pounds due her p Acct passed
by the Aud. Genl

October 17

Liber C D

No. 23
p. 213

[Council to Colo. Moses Rawlings]

Sir We received yours of the 7th Inst As we have nothing but
Money of the new Emission in the Treasury, which you write, will
not answer your Purpose, it is not in our Power to Supply by this
Opportunity. The Wheat of this year being of an extraordinary good
Quality, we believe, if all the Produce, when ground, excepting the
Bran & Shorts, is mixed, it will be fit for the Use of the Army. The
Flour from your County is to be sent to the Southward, it will there-
fore be proper to forward it to George Town, to be delivered to
Thomas Beall Junr

[Council to Henry Schenebely Esqr]

Sir We have received a Letter from the Quartermaster General,
informing us that the Army have no Occasion for a further Supply
of Horses & Waggons, it will therefore be proper to cease purchas-
ing any more. Mr Calhoun has not any Linen on public Account as
we know of, but should Colo Shyrock have any that he is satisfied
belongs to the State, which is fit for the Purpose you mention, we
hereby request him to deliver it to you. All the Provisions you have
obtained excepting the Bran & Shorts and other Forage necessary for
the Horses you employ, must be forwarded to George Town, as speed-
ily as possible and delivered to Mr Thos Beall Junr at that Place.
The Waggons & Teams you have purchased, may be employed in
that Service, until you receive further Directions. We would send
you a Sum of the new Money by this Opportunity, but are informed,
it will not answer at present in your County, and do not think it
proper to draw on the Clerk for the Ordinary License Money. In a
short Time we hope to be able to send you a Sum of Money

Liber C C
No. 32
p. 198

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 331   View pdf image (33K)
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