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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 245

and empowered to empress as many Vessels and hands as will be
necessary for transporting the Troops aforesaid with their Baggage
from Annapolis to Virginia. To Capt. William Middleton.

Liber C B
No. 23

[Council to Henry Downes Esqr. Collr of Caroline County]
Sir We feel sensibly for the Distresses of those who are in the

Circumstances you describe The Money which is directed to he

levied is expressly applied by the Legislature and as the Law pro-
vides no Relief, it is in vain to apply to those who are incompetent
to that Purpose. We have no dispensing Power, nor can we, in
Virtue of our Office, for one Moment suspend the Operation of an
Act of the General Assembly.

[Council to Jno Dockery Thompson Esqr Lieut Cecil County]

Sir Yours of the 3 1st we have received. Though the Law con-
cerning Deserters is general, yet we think it never could be the Inten-
tion of the Legislature to include Deserters from other States, as
no Benefit would arise to this State from them, they being subject to
be taken by the State to which they belong. We think the Recruits
for the Regiment Extraordinary are entitled to the Bounty of two
hundred Dollars &ca and in some Instances, we have issued the Money
to them. Our Treasury is entirely exhausted, we therefore have
drawn an Order in your Favor, on the Collector of the Tax for
£6000 to enable you to advance to the Recruits. It is out of our
Power at present to supply the Recruits with Cloathing we expect

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 148

we shall be enabled to do it, by the Time they reach Chester Town,
where those enlisted on your Shore are ordered, and where there
are officers to receive, and Provisions made for them and you will
be so obliging as to send those recruited in your County to that
[Council to Colo. Henry Hollingsworth]

Sir We are informed by Capt Middleton of the State Boat
Dolphin, who returned last Night from the Capes, that the Bay
is entirely clear of the Enemys Vessels, unless those of the smaller
Kind still lurk in the Neighbourhood, of the Tangiers. By Cap( Mid-
dleton who went with the Arms & Ammunition entrusted to your
Care, we are also informed that they were safely landed at the Head
of Wicomico in Virginia Every Assistance in the Power of this
Board, is afforded Mr Williams to enable him to execute his Com-
mission. The Advantages & Convenience of purchasing in your
County, in Preference to almost any other in the State, are apparent.
We have no immediate Occasion for Capt. Howell's Vessel

[Council to Colo. Forrest]

Sir We request you will furnish Capt Middleton with an Officer

and sufficient Number of Men to man the State Boat Dolphin, under

p. 149

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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